Newbie from Yaaaaarrrrkshire

Canuck said:
Hi! What ya got? Got some funky razory stuff there? Some nice soaps? Brush habit? Or are you just dabbling at dropping the tin o' goo?

Welcome either way.

not got a huge amount at the moment as only just starting DE shaving - up until now i just used electric razors and when i really could not be arsed to get a mirror i would just shave blind as i am an Umpa-Lumpa of IT so rarely allowed near actual people

Now i currently have a Wilkinson Sword DE razor and some Wilkinson sword blades, a Men-u brush and some utterly utterly rubbish men-u shaving cream - you can tell i was in boots and thought sod it i will give it a go cant you
Hey why not. Everyone starts somewhere and it's not a bad thing to start with Boots stuff. Even IT umpa-lumpas get Xmas presents so keep your fingers crossed that bad Santa brings you something exciting. Or look out for those sales on boxing day!
Hey Oop La, welcome to TSR. Tbh I'd take your starter kit over almost any major manufacturer's leccy razor. Just enjoy the kit, you'll probably change it as you go along. (Most of us have).

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
JohnnyO said:
Hey Oop La, welcome to TSR. Tbh I'd take your starter kit over almost any major manufacturer's leccy razor. Just enjoy the kit, you'll probably change it as you go along. (Most of us have).

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:

it dosnt matter what you start with, as long as it is a solid piece of kit, it dosnt matter if it last's a year or ten, its unlikely you will continue to use it without at least trying others, usually several others
no chance my xmas prezzie money is already allocated to my stupidly expensive hobby so i will be sticking with the Wilko for a while - may try some different blades in it and different shaving soaps/creme as the wilko should cope for now
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