Panic buying !! Fuel Strike !

Bideford, North Devon
Ok who's been out filling up their petrol tanks today ?

Not me !

Last they had plans to give NHS workers priority, so hopefully if they do that again SWMBO will be ok to get to work. I always walk the kids to school so it won't affect me personally.
What struck me about the whole thing was that Francis Maude caused the furore by making stupid comments about people stockpiling fuel (as if you could expect any politician, but a Tory in particular, to have the intelligence to work out that leaky old jerrycans full of petrol in people's garages and sheds was a massive fire risk), yet it was a junior minister who had to make the apology on behalf of the Government. Seems to me that Maude is one of Cameron's cronies and can therefore do no wrong; when he does put his foot in it someone else has to apologise as if it was the Government at large that made the stupid suggestion.
Northam Saint said:
They haven't even set any strike dates and said action over Easter is unlikely.

All the more reason for someone to instruct Maude to keep quiet unless absolutely necessary. I thought the last lot were dim, but Dave's Old Etonians and assorted other ex-public school chinless wonders are topping them, I reckon.
The Dunkirk spirit is long gone. All this shows is the 'I'm alright Jack' society we live in.

Anyone who panic buys petrol is a total pissant and earns my utter contempt.
Well I've half a tank so not concerned even if they did announce a strike I'm sure at some point in the next few days I could get some but its silly panicking yet.

Anyway if you run out of fuel all you can do stay at home, so would be better to panic buy houses, please.
Whizzed around the blind, one-way corner to get to Tesco and forecourt and had to slam my brakes on - the queue for petrol was all the way back there, a couple of hundred meters! Did my usual Thursday top-up and shop, nattered to a couple of mates - and the queue was still there, just as long, when I left! Usually, a two car wait is bad news!

What is Maude on??? Create a state of emergency with an artificial fuel shortage and then blame the drivers who haven't even named a strike day.

Worse yet are the look-after-No.-1 motorists who can't figure this out. Or maybe I'm the eejit because I think it's all avoidable whereas they know it's not because of people like them.

Oi vey! You get what you vote for - only worse with this lot of inept public school boys, never worked in industry for a day in their collective life.

Still, it's been a beautiful and fantastic day, hasn't it???!!
Only reason I went to fill up today was the car was almost empty and I am on call on Sunday at a hospital, and even though its only 10 (or 5 depending on how urgent they need a CT) mins away I didn't want to be running out half way through the Clyde tunnel. We didn't wait too long but did see a chap brim his tank and 2 jerry cans.....
chrisbell said:
leaky old jerrycans full of petrol in people's garages and sheds was a massive fire risk

Odd - the 3 'jerrycans' I have (ex Swedish army (so I refer to them as Svencans) are all as old as me - one of them looks like it's taken a shot...) don't leak at all... anyway, mine have diesel in which you can use to extinguish all but the hottest fires.

Anyway - don't give a bollocks about the strike which may never come - my Svencans are full and have been for months mostly because last winter there was no fuel to be had around here due to snow...

The media need to be taken in hand though - they were running a 'panic buying' item on the local radio news and their reporter was asking those filling up "are you panic buying?" the most common answer (10-1) was "no, it's Thursday, I always do my shopping and fill up on a Thursday". Signed off from that item with "so there you have the panic buying picture".

The cynic in me thinks that the gubmint are stoking up the panic to get people to buy in the 11-12 fiscal year... also there's a strong suggestion from the Saudis that they're going to pump more oil to push the price down... could the gubmint be hoping to get the fuel sold before that price drop happens to get more VAT revenue? Cynical? Moi?
hunnymonster said:
chrisbell said:
leaky old jerrycans full of petrol in people's garages and sheds was a massive fire risk

Odd - the 3 'jerrycans' I have (ex Swedish army (so I refer to them as Svencans) are all as old as me - one of them looks like it's taken a shot...) don't leak at all... anyway, mine have diesel in which you can use to extinguish all but the hottest fires.

Anyway - don't give a bollocks about the strike which may never come - my Svencans are full and have been for months mostly because last winter there was no fuel to be had around here due to snow...

The media need to be taken in hand though - they were running a 'panic buying' item on the local radio news and their reporter was asking those filling up "are you panic buying?" the most common answer (10-1) was "no, it's Thursday, I always do my shopping and fill up on a Thursday". Signed off from that item with "so there you have the panic buying picture".

Er, HM - you may be breaking the law with your three "Svencans" - I know 2 cans of 5 litres each is the maximum allowable amount of petrol - not sure for diesel, even though both our current vehicles run on it.
I get through about half a tank o' diesel a day, until today where i used the other half trying to find a garage with diesel in stock.:icon_cry2:

Que upon Que of people who's cars have probably never even seen a full tank since they've owned it but have followed like sheep. Twats.!!!!!!

Should also add due to my utter contempt of these fuckwitted fucktards that one bint managed to fill the tank up to the top and then stand there with that "its everybody else' s fault but mine attitude" once it dawned on the oxygen theif that petrol cars don't run on diesel.

Pulled out of the que and went home after that, as i was bordering on launching a mass killing spree.
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