Closed Pass Around: Merkur Slant list (enchanted)

Pass Around: Merkur Slant list (enchanted)

Norky said:
A - W said:
Oh I am excited now.

Anyone any tips? Just my usual shaving routine with a bit of caution?

That is exactly what I would suggest.

I wouldn't even say that I've not had it bite once. It's amazing on a few days growth, I only struggle a little going ATG, but a fantastic razor.
Lose the beard said:
Use it just the same as any other razor, its not the aggressive monster people make it out to be. Forget its a slant and just shave as you would with your 34c or EJ DE89 type razor.

Interestingly, now its gone I shaved with my 34C and couldn't believe how snaggy it felt. I've never thought the 34C was ever a snaggy razor before. And it had a new feather which is normally the smoothest shave ever. There was no irritation, but it didn't feel as nice as the slant.

So I think because I had a few shaves with the slant using less than great blade combo's I didn't immediately appreciate how good it was.
I now have one on my Xmas list.
She has arrived just a few moments ago on my desk.
Well packaged and looked after. Shame I had a shave first thing today, looks immaculate and with some good accompaniments. Thanks to the owner and Cruciate for sending on.
Well I took a test drive last night, I couldnt wait.

First impressions are of a nice razor, good weight and balance. Nice finish and smooth head.
I loaded up a Polisilver, some Arlington shaving cream and went off about my business.
Three passses, WTG, XTG, and opposite XTG. A couple of tiny nicks down to being a little confident but what a lovely smooth shave. No irritation, very little alum sting but a very close shave. I am impressed.
Right then chaps, I'll be posting on the little lady on Monday to chrisbell.

Gairdner is after him, but seems to be undertaking a self imposed exile from TSR.

I propose until Gairdner has made up his mind on his future that he drops the two places to the bottom of the list unless we hear otherwise on this thread?

Apologise to anyone if I am talking out of turn, just trying to keep the ball rolling and everyone happy. Please tell me to bugger off if needed, I wont be offended.

Adam and I discussed this, and I consider his suggestion eminently sensible. If/when Graeme returns, he can resume his place in the queue, but we have to assume he won't be coming back. As I understand it, the list would then be:

OK, can I point anyone involved in this thread who hasn't already read this to do so, please, at it will save an awful lot of explanation. For those who can't find the link, it's the word "this", which should appear green.
My concern is that, if Jason (hunnymonster) is accurate in his prediction, I'm not going to have internet access when I'm ready to send the Slant on to majortom; on that basis, could I ask you to PM me your address as soon as possible, please, so that, if I am unable to access the site, I can post it on to you? If Gairdner returns in the meantime, and I am disconnected, then I'm sure something can be arranged.
Well the slant is already packed up snuggly and waiting for the RM tomorrow.
I've really enjoyed my time with the razor, the aggressiveness wasnt as bad as a normal OC for me. A good blade angle and technique resulted in repeated good shaves, with a few nicks (down to me), but overall very comfortable smooth shaves.
I'd thoroughly recommend it, no where near as daunting as I'd expected it be. TBH I might keep an eye out for one on the BST and pick one up if I'm lucky enough.

Many thanks to the owner and group for the opportunity.


I'll pm you my mobile number just incase you need to liaise for the next person.
I will pass for personal reasons. Sounds daft I know but.....well, that's because I am daft! :blush:

However, I must applaud Martin's kindness and the forum's support in replacing the original Enchantress. True Bulldog spirit!
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