S.O.T.D. Saturday 1st April to Friday 7th April 2017

Monday's Shave

- Unknown 6/8s (Possibly an Eskilstuna)
- The Scorcher No.151 Genuine Shell Horse strop
- Institute du Karite shaving soap
- Custom brush made for Greek Shaving Forum members
- Aqua Velva Original

A simple but very effective shot, both brush and blade look fab.
Monday 3rd April 2017

View attachment 24471
Pre Shave: Hot Shower, L'Oreal Hydra Power Face Wash and Proraso Red
Razor: Gillette Fatboy F2 Adjustable (6)
Blade: Polsilver (#1)
Brush: Kent BLK4
Soap: LEA Classic
Post: Alum Block, Cold water and Humphreys witch hazel
AS: Lucky Tiger Bay Rum

A late shave today as I was expecting my re-plated Fatboy to arrive today, which it did! It has been a while since I shaved with it so it is hard to say if it is any better or worse for the re-plate. I was not disappointed with the shave, the end result was a nice close shave, it still shaves well, so I suppose that means it is no worse for the re-plate.

I was in two minds about getting it re-plated, but now it is done I am really pleased with the result, it looks great now, but it will probably be the only razor I will get re-plated.
Your Fatboy looks fabulous, great choice of blade too, my favourite! :)
Monday evening

Thiers Arminius
Myrsol Blue Soap
Myrsol Blue A/s


A sub-par shave tonight. A couple of slight weepers and an unsatisfactory shave. Feeling raw in places, as well as stubbly. I'll give a few days and let things settle down before re-attempting. I can't put my finger on why this was a bad one... I'm keen to try out the Myrsol soap again, it smells great. However, it didn't feel quite as slick as some of the soaps I've been using of late. An unfortunate shave to end a busy day.
Monday 3rd April 2017

View attachment 24471
Pre Shave: Hot Shower, L'Oreal Hydra Power Face Wash and Proraso Red
Razor: Gillette Fatboy F2 Adjustable (6)
Blade: Polsilver (#1)
Brush: Kent BLK4
Soap: LEA Classic
Post: Alum Block, Cold water and Humphreys witch hazel
AS: Lucky Tiger Bay Rum

A late shave today as I was expecting my re-plated Fatboy to arrive today, which it did! It has been a while since I shaved with it so it is hard to say if it is any better or worse for the re-plate. I was not disappointed with the shave, the end result was a nice close shave, it still shaves well, so I suppose that means it is no worse for the re-plate.

I was in two minds about getting it re-plated, but now it is done I am really pleased with the result, it looks great now, but it will probably be the only razor I will get re-plated.

Well, it looks great. [emoji16]

Date: 04 April 2017

Brush: - Platypus P&C LE 2017 24mm Fan Manchurian White
Lather: - Stirling Glastonbury Shaving Soap
Razor: - Merkur 34C
Blade: - Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellow SharpEdge #4
Post Shave: - T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent / Speick Aftershave Splash
Fragrance: - Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male EDT

I've received a package of Stirling Glastonbury shaving soap 5.8oz tub in the mail today just in time for me to start shaving as I'm going out tonight for Lodge, I really enjoy the Glastonbury shaving soap comes in mutton tallow formula and when I open the tub to take a normal sniff before shaving it smell like a very earthy type scent. I'm unable to grab all the scent from this soap all I can smell was Lavender, Oakmoss and Vetiver that it, according to their website I can't smell Patchouli and Frankincense because I have no experience in these two extra scent. The lather again from Stirling is still fantastic is very rich thick and slick soap is still amazes me every time I grab Stirling, Rod and Mandy has made another fantastic soap again in mutton tallow formula of Stirling Glastonbury and it's worth it to have this in your den.
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