S.O.T.D. Saturday 21st May to Friday 27th May 2016


Sampling Orange Sanguine by Atelier Cologne today. The opening of this fragrance is like a blast of freshly squeezed orange juice, which smells very nice indeed.

It's a simple yet refreshing summer scent, that's very authentic but unfortunately very short lived. Not sure why I chose to sample this on such a gloomy day like today!
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Special shave this morning, for two reasons. Firstly, using the Ikon slant head for the first time, and secondly, because I am meeting the Countess of Wessex later today.


The slant head (with Astra blade) was a revelation! Particularly good on my problem area on my neck.

I chose the Floris No.89 partly because I really like the fragrance, and partly because I need something that lasts and will overcome the smell of metal polish from my medals!
This morning was my last shave for the next two weeks :( due to minor surgery on the old face....

Prep: hot shower + glycerin soap - rinse off and proraso pre-shave
Lather Bowl: Favourite Kitchen mug
Soap / cream: Bodyshop's Maca Root shaving cream.
Blade: Voskhood (fresh blade)
Razor: ATT R2
Brush: Traditional Shaving Shop's badger silvertip (falling apart)
Post shave: rinse off with cold water + Alum + Nivea after shave.
Cologne: Paco Rabanne.

View attachment 18739

Best of luck on your surgery!

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Well, it's Towel Day innit? In honour of Douglas Adams: a not so creative composition perhaps, but situated on top of .. yes, a towel. And the soap is Barrister and Mann's semi-LE 42 soap, also an obvious nod to Adams.

I have to say, not being a floral man, this soap really has me sniffing and loving it! "Everyone has an inner florist, it's just a matter of finding him?"

Plus, not sure if this has to do with the soap being so fresh or what, but it lathers up *as if it had done nothing else its entire life*. Seems better and easier than the Roam that I recently acquired but which is supposedly based on the same "glissant" formula.

OneBlade razor and a Virginia Sheng brush. Finished off with Latha non-alc Le Petit Chypre, probably the best aftershave I've ever tried in terms of skin feel.


Fabulous shave!

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SOTD Wed. 5/25/16
Prep: Noxzema Classic
SS: Tabac Shave Stick
SB: Semogue 620 Boar
Razor: Gem Pushbutton
Blade: GEM
ASB: Stirling Mita
Shower Soap Bar: Grandpa's Pine Tar
Cologne: Acqua Di Selva by Visconti Di Modrone

Good morning guys. First shave with the GEM Pushbutton and what a shave it was. Three passes for a dolphin smooth end result. This razor is wonderful, the handle has a protrusion and notch at the end tip which allow me to rest my finger on it and creates a pivot for the head to intuitively find the perfect shave angle. Very maneuverable and fun to use.
First time with TABAC also and it's just awesome, very cushiony and slick and I love the strong scent.
Very pleased today! Have a great day folks. Tomorrow I plan on shaving with the GEM G Bar, I'm riding the GEM Train!


Two Pass Shaving Routine..:cool:

Hot Water prep & massage with Argan Oil
208 Gold Dollar 6/8th
Mason Pearson Pure Badger
Haslinger Tallow Soap
Logona Mann Balm

I had a Enjoyable Shave Today with My Gold Dollar 6/8th..This shaves as Well as any SR for Me..The Blade is quite Heavy Weighted for a 6/8th & Sorta Requires an Extra Mindful Light Touch..Once You find the Centre Balance of this SR it Feels Good in the Hand & it Zips around Very Well..o_O

I am Dolphin Smooth & Refreshed..:D

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