S.O.T.D. Saturday 26th September to Friday 2nd October 2015

Hot shower
Porasso white
Semogue 520
1st pass - Schick Hydromagic - Original blade from the Hydromagic dispenser
Schick Krona - Sputnik
I was rather surprised at the performance of the original HM Schick blade,seeing as it sat in a case since 1955-58,that's like 60 years old!.To say that this razor/blade is audible is putting it very mildly!,it wasn't exactly smooth mind,and there was just a bit of tugging,not much seeing as it was cutting through about 4-5 days growth though.I could have gone for another pass,but I wanted to test out the Krona!.
The Krona was also a nice surprise!,got a super smooth irritation free BBS,I soon figured out this one excels when 'buffed',so I just buffed,and buffed,and buffed!,It also likes a bit of pressure on the head,but what a shave!.Wonderful!.

Shave & Scent of the day with:
Pre: Neal's Yard Revitalising Face Scrub
Soap: Saponificio Varesino Special Edition Soap
Brush: L'Occitane Plisson Synthetic
Razor: ATT Atlas R1
Blade: Kai (5th)
Post #1: Saponificio Varesino Aromatic Fern After Shave Balm
Post #2: Origins Multi-benefit Moisturizer
Scent: Coromandel by Chanel
SOTD - Wed
Pre: Village Barber oil
Soap: Dr. Jon's "Anne Bonny"
Brush: Shavemac 26mm 2-band silvertip
Razor: Mongoose Satin w/Dr. Bomber handle
Blade: Feather Pro (4)
Post: Thayer's witch hazel, followed by Krampert's Bay Rum
The black tea definitely separates this soap from the other bay rums! Very nice scent! My first time with any Dr. Jon's soaps, and I don't have the lather dialed-in yet but had a great shave regardless.
Le père Lucien Unscented
Custom 24mm Synthetic
Schick M23
Schick NOS Twin [9]
Proraso Green AS
Diesel OTB
Yet another effortless DFS. Never really rated the LPL soap, but the synthetic whipped up a much more creamy/slick lather, lovely!
I guessed at 10 shaves for the Schick NOS twin, but I have a feeling it may go further!

Bulldog Face Wash
Mitchell's Wool Fat & Edwin Jagger Black Fibre
Gillette Tech (Brass) & Treet Carbon (1)
Hot Rinse & Cold Rinse
Brut Original Aftershave
Sung Homme EDT

Face Lathered
Two Pass - WTG & WTG (Slide)

It's my birthday! It's my birthday!

No, not my actual birthday but my shaving birthday. Just over two years ago, I joined this jolly forum and precisely two years ago I took my first traditional shave with a Merkur 23C and the complimentary Merkur blade. Two years later and some 400 razors have passed through my hands! My present collection is just shy of 200, well over 100 being singled edge razors and another 40 being Gillette Techs, and that is what I decided to use tonight ...

Over the past few shaves, I have been enjoying a vintage Gem Damaskeene blade and most recently a Kai disposable with carbon steel blade, so that pack of Treet Carbon that has been sitting in my gifting pile was pressed into action.

All I have to say is: what a great shave!

Having had a good break from double edge razors and those thin blades, I did wonder if my technique might have been lost and whether I might wind up with a face full of weepers, but it didn't happen. Not even one. Gillette's Tech is, to me, their pinnacle razor and one which spanned some 50 decades from the '30s to the '80s and arguably beyond as the Sterling. It is a forgiving razor, mild, yet effective, letting the blade do its thing.

Enjoyed! You know what? I think I'll take another couple of shaves with this blade to see it out ...

Cheers, all! Thank you for the fun, advice, instruction, camaraderie, purchases, sales and swaps. Here's to you all.

Bulldog Face Wash
Mitchell's Wool Fat & Edwin Jagger Black Fibre

It's my birthday! It's my birthday!

No, not my actual birthday but my shaving birthday. Just over two years ago, I joined this jolly forum and precisely two years ago I took my first traditional shave with a Merkur 23C and the complimentary Merkur blade..

Paul, that's a good reason for others to celebrate along with you. Well, except for that whole SE cult leader thing. Ok, forget that part.

You are nuts of course when it comes to what your face can tolerate, but you talk normal like. My kinda guy, now that I know your schtick.

Congrats on the anniversary,


Oh, I will mention my DE anniversary was yesterday of all things.....seriously. Picked up a Super Adjustable back in 2007.
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After the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep:

vintage 1964 Macys silvertip flopmeister
Schick M type adjustable/Schick Twinjector (NOS)
Xpec SC
Neutrogena oil free moisture sensitive skin (great unscented balm like stuff for a real good price)
Givenchy 'Xeryus' EdT (black bottle)

OK, 4 shaves with the razor/blade combo and it's a winner for sure. Seems sharper than usual but very tolerant and does feel a little different from a single blade. I noticed it starting to skip just a tiny bit over one small rough area and adjusted for it each time with no problem. Certainly a blade I could use everyday, although I don't know how the F type would receive that blade. Anyway, it's fun to shave with that twin one dialed in just right. Oh yeah, the finish was always a little smoother than usual.

Jeeez, this older Xpec scent is mildly addictive.....well medium is more like it. Part of it reminds me of the Pens BB pepper note which I like. This stuff is always fun to be around.

BBS results,

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