S.O.T.D. Saturday 4th April to Friday 10th April 2015

Arko Stick
Omega 49
Progress [4,4]
Lada [2]
Brut AS
BS MR Face Protector

3 days growth swept away with ease by this combo. Its been a while since I used the the Progress - it is a superb shaver...

Evening, gents.

Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: Junjie
Blade: Dorco 300 (4)
Brush: Kabuki Bamboo
Shave cream: Super Max
Aftershave: Bowling Green
Cologne: Bowling Green
Stunning shave with the Tradere OC today. Some musings about it here

Razor: Tradere OC
Blade: Personna
Brush: L'Occitane Plisson
Soap: Soap Commander Endurance
A/S: Myrsol Agua Balsamica (RIP Señor Solé)


Wednesday 8th April 2015
Prep: Shower
Blade: GEM Blue Star Carbon
Brush: Semogue 620 Boar
Soap: Speick Stick Grated
Aftershave: Astral Cream (light)
EDT: One Man Show


Hot Shower
Clarins shave oil
Frankensoap B&M SEVILLE and WSP Barbershop
SOC Boar
ATT R-1 on Titan
Gillette Bleue Extra (1)
CK 'ternity for men EDT
Weds 8th April 2015

Pre Wash Neutrogena Soap
Omega 11126
Mitchells Wool Fat- face lathered
Gem Junior - Baton Handle
Gem S/S [ 3 ]
Alum Rub
Nivea A/S Balm
La Toja A/S Lotion

Smooth, comfortable, and really good shave.Next Gem up, OCMM.
executive - 2, 7, 9
unmarked blade #5
wars a/s and balm
bodyshop white musk edt

very satisfying shave - skin feels good. i can still smell the arko, very lightly. :)
Proraso green
Omega boar
Bic Astor (2)
Davidoff Coolwater aftershave

Lovely cool shave on a sunny morning. Roll out your menthol stash, summers finally on its way!
Soap : Klar Kabinett
Brush : Geo F Trumper Super Badger (Simpsons)
Razor : Digress HD
Blade : English Wilkinson Sword
Post : Pitralon + TOBS Herbal Aftershave Cream
Fragrance : Czech & Speake No.88 Cologne

This mornings shave is first since Sunday, my skin reacted terribly to the old formula Coate's Tea Tree Cream at the weekend. So only tried and tested products in the line up for me today - much much better! :)

After a hot wash with dove soap. I whipped up a lather from Stirling Ben Franklin with my Vie-Long horse hair brush, producing enough for 3 passes plus buffing using 1966 L1 Gillette Super Speed loaded with a Rapira Platinum Lux blade on its second outing.

Finished a nice smooth shave with some Old Spice which works well with Ben Franklin.

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