S.O.T.D. w/c Saturday 5th - Friday 11th July 2014, incl.

After the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep:

AOS rebranded horn Plisson HMW #8
Progress/Schick Plus Platinum (NOS)
QED sandalwood SS
Malizia vetyver AS
Malizia 'Vetyver' EdT

My only sandalwood soap/cream in the rotation, the last one standing after trying a bunch of sandalwood stuff long ago. Performance is good, but the scent is what hooked me in. Intense single note, using an EO I have never sniffed in anything else.

Sadly, it's rarely if ever made now and I am almost out.

BBS results......even closer than usual shaving with the Progress. I like the feel of it so much more with the regular sized handle.....night and day. If I'm honest about things, I think the head design beats a Gillette adjustable performance wise.

Saturday 07-05-14. MUSIC: Roxy Music - For Your Pleasure (1973).



Aleppo soap - Semogue SOC two bands - Feather all stainless - Iridium Super #2 - Pre JASÖN - Shaving cream Lavanda by Ach. Brito - Alum block - Thayers Cucumber Toner - ASB Institut Karité - ASL Lavanda by Ach. Brito.
Prep Shower
Soap The Fat
Brush Certifyd refresh with 28mm Silvertip
Razor Rocket
Blade Voskhod (3)
Post Myrsol Emulsion and Zirh Drenched


Come on England, er USA er France ermmm HOLLAND!



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Cold water splash
Speick Stick (grated)
Commodore X3 handle w/ TGN 24mm Finest Badger knot
ATT M2 Kronos
Sputnik (3)
Speick ASB
Speick EdT

Have a great evening everyone!

Face wash with Pears soap
Feather Artist Club DX non-folding / Pro Blade
Ingram Shaving Cream
Proraso Green A/S
Tom Ford Grey Vetiver

Mmmm Menthol


Unkown Travel 4-piece
Gillette Silver Blue
Ingrams + Proraso Green
Vintage Gillette Boar Brush
Superdrug Sierran Breeze AS

First shave with this wee travel razor - I wanted to test it before taking it on holiday - and it shaves very nicely. It is quite efficient, more so than the tech I've been using lately, and gave me a decent shave in 2 passes with just a little touch up needed for BBS.

Also my first shave with the vintage Gillette brush. I got this NOS in the box and was half tempted not to touch it, but I caved and am glad I did. Very decent little thing.

I had the mix of creams today because it is such a lovely warm day and I love the feeling of both Ingrams and Proraso when it's hot.
Friday and Saturday

I'm away at the Grand Prix so am using a travel kit.

Muhle R89/Weber handle
Gillette 7 o'clock Black
Tabac AS

This was the first time using Noxzema and it was great, slick and protective. Highly recommended!

Bulldog Face Wash
Mitchell's Wool Fat Soap
Kent Infinity Silvertex
Bakelite Long Comb - Gillette Super Nacet Platinum [3]
Hot Rinse, Cold Rinse & Alum Wash
Imperial Leather Aftershave (Vintage)

Face Lathered
Two Pass - WTG & ATG

What a great razor! It's broken, though ... at some point, the thread got stuck in the handle and it's cracked, but it does nip up enough to hold a blade perfectly well ... and what a great shave it gives.

MWF and a good Gillette blade, what a cracking shave! The vintage Imperial Leather was a nice finish.
Prep: Shower
Brush: Big Bertha 30 mm D01 Shavemac custom
Razors: GEM for the head and a Feather non folding for da mug
Soap: Nannys Ice and a Slice
AS: Floid
Result: Very, very clean :D

Razor Filarmonica 14 Novodur Para Professional half hollow 8/8
Strop Kanayama Cordovan #8000
Brush Semogue OC Special 2012 Boar & Badger mix
Soap L'Occitane Cade
Alum & Witch hazel
Balm L'Occitane Baux
Scent L'Occitane Eau Universelle Fresh Cologne.​

No time for a shower but two and a half days growth so it was time to use the Slant-hammer:

Face wash
Vulfix 404
WTG & XTG Merkur 37c with Personna blue
ATG Gillette 59 with Personna blue
Alum block
Cien ASB

Lather from MWF never looks as "tight" as I get from Proraso or TOBS but it certainly works.
Prep : cold water and Proraso Sensitive pre shave cream
Brush : Semogue 620
Soap: Palmolive stick grated into a bowl
Razor : Gillette Slim ( English one with square handle)
Blade: Feather
After: Nivea sensitive post Shave Balm

Really nice smooth shave today perhaps not as good as I get wroth my new but perfectly acceptable.
Reminds me of my dad who had the same kind of razor but remember his always being stuck together with some sellotape as it had a broken handle.
Wonder what he would have given for a nice sharp blade like the feather, in some ways we are much better off than our dad's Thanks to the Internet.

Have a good Sunday

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