Scent of The Day


Can't put this one down at the minute.
Albeit briefly, I have smelled of Bay Rum today. I ordered 25g of menthol crystals and dropped 5 medium sized ones into a nearly-full bottle of Boots' Bay Rum. Splashed a little on my face and... wait... nothing... oh there! A lovely chill set across my chops, neck and cheeks! :D I'm tempted to add a bit more but it's really rather nice where it is. I'm anticipating a delivery of Pinaud Clubman a/s and Floid Suave before long... I bought the Suave thinking it was Vigoroso (whoops, saw 'mentolado' and got carried away) so I'll be adding some menthol to those as well. :)
All in all, it's a lovely combo! Not too much menthol scent coming through either which is grand!
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