Scent of The Day


Can't put this one down at the minute.
We can only dream of 31c Ulysses.

I accept exchange, Barry :)
It was 31, now it's at 33C.
No rain forecast - despite the weather service saying there would be some rain here.
The water reservoirs that supply the metropolitan region are below the level, due to the dry weather in this region since approximately May. The relative humidity is only 13% now.
Albeit briefly, I have smelled of Bay Rum today. I ordered 25g of menthol crystals and dropped 5 medium sized ones into a nearly-full bottle of Boots' Bay Rum. Splashed a little on my face and... wait... nothing... oh there! A lovely chill set across my chops, neck and cheeks! :D I'm tempted to add a bit more but it's really rather nice where it is. I'm anticipating a delivery of Pinaud Clubman a/s and Floid Suave before long... I bought the Suave thinking it was Vigoroso (whoops, saw 'mentolado' and got carried away) so I'll be adding some menthol to those as well. :)
All in all, it's a lovely combo! Not too much menthol scent coming through either which is grand!
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