Secret Santa (COMPLETED!)

RE: Secret Santa (Running)

I ordered some cosmetics on line for SWMBO.

Parcel arrived, and she tore the thing open and asked :

" Who is Secret Santa ? "

I, qiute obviously, said that I hadn't a clue !:icon_rolleyes:

After a brief explanation, MY SS is waiting, patiently, for Christmas day.

Many thanks, in advance, whoever you are !

RE: Secret Santa (Running)

sunburyboy93 said:
All posted my end

To whoever has me to buy for I would like a 195 bottom dial adjustable Gillette that's all, nothing more nothing less :)

Thank you

That's me, I'm your Secret Santa! Oh dear, I got you 195 adjustable bottoms. :blush:
RE: Secret Santa (Running)

Would it be an idea to edit the first post of this thread with the list of the participants, and if they have received their parcel?

Might make it all a bit easier ;)

Whoever gets mine will know it's from me straight away... :(

RE: Secret Santa (Running)

FrenchBlade said:
Would it be an idea to edit the first post of this thread with the list of the participants, and if they have received their parcel?

Might make it all a bit easier ;)

Whoever gets mine will know it's from me straight away... :(


That's a good idea. I'm still pacing by the letterbox when the postie calls!
RE: Secret Santa (Running)

Good idea Max, that will make life a little easier.

So, if you have received your parcel, can you pm me and let me know please!
RE: Secret Santa (Running)

hunnymonster said:
Just a small thought from last year - double wrap the secret santa gift (maybe even festive paper on the inner layer) - or you'll find that Sharon opens hers a week before everyone else :D
She's never going to live that one down is she? :icon_razz::icon_cheesygrin::D

RE: Secret Santa (Running)

Allright already! Numbskull checking in. I've got mine packed, and it's got TSR written all over the front. If you have not already received your SS pressie, please tell your other half that anything with TSR written on the front is not to be opened until Christmas day.
Otherwise this time next year you will be made a laughing stock; they will not let it go.......well, especially if you are foolish enough to admit on a public forum that you've ripped it open like a child........
Anyway, where's mine?:icon_razz:
RE: Secret Santa (Running)

soapalchemist said:
I've got mine packed, and it's got TSR written all over the front

And now the recipient will have a little clue to lookout for and a hint who it's from :D :p
RE: Secret Santa (Running)

Someone else already said they did that....because to write 'Secret Santa' would suggest to the postal workers that this might be worth nicking. Although anything in a box at any time of year is likely to be worth nicking.
Next year I'll get it right. Harrumpf! :s
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