Shave of the day, Saturday 8th- Friday 14th April 2017

Monday 10th April 2017
Sotd 10th april.JPG
Pre Shave: Hot Shower, L'Oreal Hydra Power Face Wash and Proraso white
Razor: Schick Adjustable (7)
Blade: Schick Twin (NOS made in Holland) (#2)
Brush: Hans Baier Silvertip
Cream: La Toja
Post: Alum Block, Cold water and Humphreys witch hazel
AS: Lucky Tiger

Second shave with a twin blade in the Schick adjustable, and it was absolutely fantastic, I set the razor to 7 this time, thanks @Fergiebilly for the tip. I also used a normal amount of cream after my error yesterday and the Hans Baier brush soon made copious amounts of decent lather. The twin blade did not clog at all this time. Result a very smooth shave and a very close finish, I normally shave 3 passes, I could possibly have got away with 2, but no irritation at all after 3 passes so all is good.
MdC Fougere
Mongoose B3 + Strok RWD titanium
Houbigant Fougere royale

SOTD:11th April 2017.
Tues C.jpg
ONE YEAR Anniversary of being a TSR member and a DE Wet-Shaver!

Shaving Recipe for today.

Prep: Hot shower/Sanex Men -Body & Face Shower Lotion/Warm wet flannel to my face.

pre: Wilkinson Fruits:Ruhbarb & Vanilla Body Butter.

Brush: Chinese Synthetic.
Face Lather.
Soap: Grated Palmoilive Shave Sticks.

Blade: Gillette Wilkinson Sword 'Saloon Pack'(0)

Razor: Parker 24C.

Warm wet Flannel/Cold Wet Flannel to rinse my face.

Post: Lavender Oil &Witch Hazel mixture/Alcolado Glacial Splash Lotion.

Gillette:A/S Balm.

Today is my first year into DE wet shaving, over the year i can honestly say i've had no doubt's what so ever of going back to the Cartridge/disposable razor way of shaving.on certain occasions, i still use my Gillette Guard as a travel razor, but i now know for certain that DE wet shaving gives you sublime shaving results if you stick at it...and don't mind spending a fortune!:p

Over the year i found out which products are suited to me, i have to be honest and say i've been quite lucky on all the soaps & creams that i've purchased they haven't caused me any problems with irritation to my skin,or resulting in making my face look like a baboon's arse!.. not yet anyway...
Back to my Anniversary shave..i've used Palmolive Shave sticks as my choice of soap, not because it's cheap and ready available on the high street,no because for it's price i've yet to find a soap that has a performance slickness & protection + post shave feeling to match's shave as always it provided a wonderful lather. resulting in a 3 pass+ pick ups silky smooth shave with no errors
to report.
I'ts been a pleasure been a member of TSR over the past year, the knowledge of which i've learn't from the forum has been second to non..i will carry on with my 2 bob's worth of shaving topic contributions in th next coming year.
Cheers. Barry.
Enjoy your day, ladies & gentlemen.:cool:

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