Shave of the Day - Saturday 9th April to Friday 15th April

Wed 13th April - First with THE BUNNY !

RazoRock Plissoft Disrupter 22mm
Vitos Red Croap
Bunny V3 Injector - a " Notso " comb
Schick " Chick " [ 1 ]
Alum Rub/ Rinse Off
Jaguar Prestige A/S

Dashed to RM Collection centre to get this Pass around. Well worth it.

Using a medium setting [ middle of 3 combs provided ], found the correct angle by inclination
of the head from a flat position on the face. The razor shaves very easily and smoothly, and also very efficiently. The only awkward bit,was around the upper lip and I got a slight weeper. I think
it would be easy to over shave with this Razor. I try not to go overboard regarding the quality of my shaves, but this one is one of the best I have ever achieved with the Razors I have used.

I could be tempted to say BBS or even Dolphin Smooth. I know why FergieBilly the owner and tester of the Razor rates it highly ,and thats after one shave.


Had a thoroughly enjoyable shave even though I was still half asleep.
Yesterday Evening's Rasp:

Genuine Knapped Red Kryptonite Sliver
Admantium Wolverine Handle with Mermaid Minge Hair 42mm Knot
Rabid Wolf Gob Froth / Snail Slime Ãœber Lather
'Vintage' T-Rex Urine AS


Merkur 34c, Lab Blue
Hand-carved Ash Boar
Vintage Culmak Soap
Benjamin's Bay um
Wellman Daily Moisturiser (Free Sample)

The Wellman Free Sample was poor in comparison to unrefined shea butter but by 'eck, yon T-Rex pish don't half close the pores! :D
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Smashing setup, there.

Good to hear reasonable results from this old blade. Such blades in better initial condition quite literally are sheer heaven! I've enjoyed a really good original Damaskeene blade and it just got better and better - it mellowed well and by the third shave was delivering really smooth shaves so absolutely unlike anything available today.

With your better examples I'm sure you'll enjoy these blades more.

How many laps are you doing? I went with 100 initially and then 50 between shaves with that Damaskeene blade I mentioned. I also have one like you showed us here waiting in the wings, a '20s GEM blade and a few Duridiums from the '60s. Oh, and another box fresh Damaskeene blade, not to mention the other Damaskeene blade which still has a lot of life left.
Now..That's shaving with a 1912..Those Current Gem blades in a 1912 is a Crap Combo..Its not the 1912 that's the issue its using the Wrong Blades & its not until you use the original blades that we Find that Out..Thats why it makes No sense to me to recommend a 1912 to New Folks..:)

Pre: Shower
Soap: NSS Lemon, Basil and Mandarin
Brush: Bennys of London reknotted synthetic
Razor: '77 Black Beauty
Blade: Voskhod
Post: Rogue Hakan A/S

First use of the revamped brush and first use in 6 months of the Black Beauty.
This is now a great little brush. It's soft, but not as softy as my other synthetics and surprisingly (to me) easily held enough lather for 3 passes and could probably stretch to 4.
3 passes set on 5,3, then 1 to touch up. I have missed this razor!

Edit: I'll not be using that A/S again... It's melting my face!
Floid balm instead.
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The Russian 35mm Zenit is a heavy beast, do you use it Frankie? Did you know they made a medium format, (120 roll) camera in the same style as the 35mm. I have seen a couple and they are even bigger and heavier! Certainly not a reporters camera back in the day. ;)
Yes, it's like a boat anchor @Fox and it can be used as weapon! It was given to me by my father-in-law who used it back in the day, and as much as I like the history of the camera, I haven't used it so far. I've used 35mm Nikon and Canon, mostly with B&W film or colour slide, but I've now given in to the convenience of a digital Sony RX100, which for its size is a remarkable little camera.
You sure about that, Billy? Looks like one of those Fortnum & Mason Pearson gorgeous handles to me.

Could we have an ingredients list, please? My interest is in those two bottles.

I can write a review soon on them and share the ingredients as well. :)
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