SOTD Saturday 13th February to Friday 19th February 2016

^ attractive handle :D

You are silly guys,

No pics handy. This brush was one I picked up maybe three years ago mainly for the attractive white handle, with the idea of replacing the knot although it was in good shape. It's got the Macys name and 1964 date on the bottom and is a real large knot that's floppy but fine for creams. First 5-6 times it was used the thing shed like a St Bernard but has since calmed down. Actually a fun old brush to use.....probably either a Simpson or that other well known Limey brand from long ago.

Greetings Jamie
That's one hell of a razor, I reckon if I gaffer taped the blade open I could bone a Muntjac with that!:D The scales look lovely!

You not wrong there Dick, not my razor this one came in for honing so I always apply honers liberty if a razor takes my fancy I will bring the law of Honers liberty into play just couldn't send this true old Sheffield giant back without a shave.:)
Friday 19th February.


Scuttle: Steve Woodhead Ceramics, large Suribachi.
Pre-shave: Superdrug Forest Fresh pre-shave cologne.
Soap: @phoenixandbeau tallow sample.
Brush: Razorock 24mm Plissoft.
Razor: Gillette New Standard (New Improved).
Blade: Astra SP (3).
Post: Boots tea tree & witch hazel lotion, Nivea sensitive balm, Nivea Crème.

This razor makes very easy work of my hard-to-clear areas but it's considerably more aggressive than my long comb English New RFB and I have to be careful which blade I use. The Astra SP resulted in a few weepers but nothing the styptic pen couldn't easily sort out. I think 7 O'clock greens (Super Stainless) are my limit for comfort in this particular razor (I'm hoping Voskhods are just as comfortable).

Still, it was a very enjoyable and extremely close BBS. This soap really is extremely good.

@pjgh Good luck for the morrow!
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Single Twin Blade..:D

Toms V 2 Injector..:p

Three Pass Shaving Routine..:cool:

Hot Water prep & massage with Coconut Oil
Toms V 2 Adjustable Injector
NOS Personna Twin Injector Blade New
Hans Baier Silver Tip Badger
Haslinger Tallow Soap
Thayers Original Witch Hazel

I had the Most Wonderful Dolphin Smooth all Over BBS Result today with Toms V 2 Injector & a Personna Twin Blade on the MILD Comb Setting..Some folks get confused with this One..The Twin Injector Blade is nothing like a cartridge system..The Injector Twin is a Single Double Edge Blade as the Pic shows above..Its a Double Barrel Shot Gun Design..The whiskers get Hit with Both Blades at a Time just a Hair Trigger before the other..Double Whammy Sort Awe Speakin.. :D

I have been testing Toms Injector with Various Blades & Pushing the Limits..I had my first shave with it today just for Me..These Personna Twin Blades are the Best of the Best..I would suggest that these are the Personna 74s of Twin Blades..I am on my 9th Shave with one of these blades in another Injector & I reckon that they put the Notorious Personna 74 to Shame & then Some..These are Rarer than the 74s by a Long Shot..:p

After my second ATG Pass on the MILD Setting I could have walked away but I went for the Money Button BBS Pass without a Hint of any Irritation ..If Toms V 2 Injector came supplied on the Fixed MILD Setting with these Personna Twin Blades I would be Delighted All the Way to Hell & Back..:angelic007:

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