SOTD Saturday 13th February to Friday 19th February 2016


Thater 4125/1
Yardley Shaving Soap
Merkur Futur
Sputnik (3)
Aqua Velva AS

Finally getting good results with the Futur 95% dolphin smooth. Thought I'd treat myself with a bit of vintage soap.
It is what it is the pinnicle of Japanese craftsmanship and quality a wonderful shaver with history and quality unsurpassed, what's so beautiful about the razor is the lack of ornate decor etching goldwash all the skill expertise refinement and knowledge as gone into the creation of the steel and making of the blade the razors were made in very small batches every single razor was rockwell tested this ones RC 64 this one came to me as a NOS razor extremely rare.

The legendary blacksmith Mr. Shigeyoshi Iwasaki was born in 1933 and was trained by among others his father Dr. Iwasaki Kousuke that designed Iwasaki Kamisori also a metallurgist famous for classifying Japanese steels i.e. "yellow paper", "white paper", "blue paper" etc.
He also took part in an investigation of ancient swords and knives kept at Syousou-In, a treasure house built in the 8th century.
When he was not in his forge, he teached technical skills and metallurgy theory to young blacksmiths from Sanjo as Shigefusa and Yoshikane

This one is Old and made By Iwasaki him self ! Western Iwasaki razors is Super Rare and very hard to find.

Many Japanese collectors is also on search for them so for us outside Japan it is even harder to get !

Collector Item

That Iwasaki makers mark outweighs any amount of bling. Master craftmanship, history and razor in one immaculate object. Absolutely stunning!
SOTD - 18/02/16

Dolphin Smooth shave tonight , still not getting the best out of the Futur with these vintage Gillette Platinum blades but hey, I'm not made of Personna 74's :)

Mike's Natural Soaps Barbershop
Merkur Futur Satin
Vintage Gillette Platinum blade (2)
Dorian-Pipes 26mm Silvertip
Floïd Blue Aftershave
Nivea Balm (not in pic)
Come on then, shave report ;)

"Shaved with the Gillette Twinjector for the first time today.
This was the only injector razor that Gillette ever made.
A rather mild shave but in the end it did deliver a very smooth, clean-shaved face.
Will I use it weekly? Probably not but sometimes I do feel like having a rather mild, easy shave that leaves my face clean-shaved so for that reason it won't stray too far away :)"
19 February - Back to work after a random day off

Hot shower
Virginasheng Purtech brush
Wickham's 1912 hard soap
Ben Hur Mikron (2.25)
Polsilver SI (3)

A really great lather, but a poorer shave, the blade seems to not quite match the razor as well as others. Might have been getting to its end of life too. I'll try it with a GSB next time.

Nice shave. Progress is one of the top DE razors IMHO. Great After shave sensations with Floid and Prep.
Fri 19th Feb
Stirling Synthetic
Schick Adjustable
Schick S/S [ 1 ]- from Japan!
Alum Rub/ Myrsol Antesol

Found the Schick Adjustable much better loaded with a modern Schick Blade [ex Japan ! ], than when I used it with a Personna . The shave was smooth and comfortable, and it was easy to get to grips with the those areas , where one always finds it difficult . The Razor is now a winner , now wonder what it will be like with a Twin Blade.

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