SOTD Saturday 26th November - Friday 2nd December 2016

Tuesday Evening......


Schick E2 ~ Stirling Finest 26mm ~ B&M Lavanille ~ Stirling Blu

Happy Wednesday!
Beautful E2. A wonderful shave.

First time using a Barrister and Mann shaving soap.
The scent changed from a nice blend of Coffee and leather (surprise, surprise) before I lathering it to a strong ashtray smell. It did become quite overpowering.
Performance was OK. I do find soaps need a couple of uses before you can really tell how they perform. The jury is out on this one. I'll see if the scent grows on me.

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SOTD: 11/29/2016 - "Let's Do This"

Pre: Hot shower
Soap: Soap Commander "Courage"
Brush: Brushguy Shave Supplies "Noah" 3-band Silvertip
Razor: Gem "G-Bar" SE w/ Ted Pella PTFE stainless blade
Post: Soap Commander "Courage" ASB & LA TOJA, España classic splash

Finally getting around to posting my SOTD today. Started the day knowing how much I had to get done today. End of the month means deadlines. Well, the day was busier than I planned, but not in a good way. Went in early and stayed late, but still not done. At least I had a great shave.

Be Smooth and shave it up, everyone!

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Wednesday morning...

Soap - NSS Signature Warm Spice
Brush - Semogue 1470
Face lather
Razor - Gem Flat Head Top (a.k.a. 'G' Bar)
Blade - Gem Personna SE
Post - Thayer's and Tabac a/s

Nice to come back to SE again. I just love this razor. Its weight and balance is perfect and, in terms of comfort, it's easily my favourite: handle held between thumb, forefinger and third; allowing the fourth to rest nicely on the wedge at the bottom. Like my other SE razors, it makes for a tremendously intuitive shave.

Beautifully smooth 3 pass affair and one small pick-up under the chin. BBS.
image.jpg SOTD Wednesday 30th November 2016

Razor..Gillette Fatboy 1960
Blade..Gillette Rubie #1
Soap..Wickhams Parma Violet
Brush..Omega 49 pro
Post..Thayers Lavender AF
EDP.. Oud 24 Hours

Hadn't had my Fatboy out for a while because I've been playing with my Gibbs adjustable , fantastic shave as always with this razor, just as good as it was in 1960!

Wishing you well. :)

Razor--ATT R2 Kronos
Blade--Polsilver si
Brush--Vulfix bodger
Soap--Essence of Scotland , Mountain yew
Post--Thayers wh , Dove balm
A/S--Fine Platinum
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Happy St Andrews day..Good health to you also pat..a wonderful set up.;) that the Pat clan tartan?
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