SOTD Saturday 26th November - Friday 2nd December 2016

Ali's Blade Suminagashi
Morris & Forndran
Fourth shave with the RX Asylum with around 2 days growth. This time using the Kai Captain blade and the Mystic Waters Orange Spice Tea soap. Nice smelling soap, lathered up well, enjoyed it, thanks @Nishy for the sample.

This blade felt the smoothest and most comfortable to shave with, however, get your head round this, it gave me the worst result. I was enjoying the shave, thinking "oh, this is nice, nice and smooth, doesn't feel like it will bite", get to the end of the first pass and I've got multiple weepers, couldn't believe it! Finished the second pass on my face, left my neck alone. Ended up quite tender in my neck area and still with multiple weepers. Very weird, the shave felt the most comfortable in terms of blade feel and smoothness, but the result was not a good one. Removed whiskers no problems, just left me feeling quite sore.

The only blade I've used in this razor that has left me with no weepers or nicks is the SoftGuard. The next blade I use will be the Kai MG, will be interesting to see how I get along with that. Still perplexed by this razor, I do enjoy shaving with it, but the results just aren't going my way at all and as a result, there's only so much enjoyment you can get out of it! Until the next time...
December 1, 2016
Mongoose B2 with Triad Ti
Feather Super Pro (1)
Rudy Vey RV7 with Shavemac Finest
PannaCrema Nuavia Rossa
Witch Hazel

After using the small nimble Wolfman OC for the entire month of November, the B2 Mongoose was a real wake up call. In comparison the Mongoose felt much heavier and is certainly larger. Midway through the first pass the differences were forgotten. I went with a 2 pass, XTG & ATG, shave followed my touch ups and ended the with a near BBS shave. The RV7 whipped up the Rossa into a rich lather. The soft massage of the brush and the wonderful scent of the Rossa added to the overall experience. Overall a fantastic shave this morning and a great way to kick off December. I hope everyone has a great Thursday.
Soap - The Fat
Brush - RazoRock Plissoft 24mm synth.
Face lather
Razor - English Gillette New Open Comb
Blade - Astra SP #1
Post - Thayer's and Proraso green a/s

First foray into OC country. The New paired well with the Astra, giving a smooth, trouble-free shave. I had anticipated the likelihood of maybe nicks, weepers and a bit of burn but, not a bit. Very happy with the New. Vintage Gillettes really are the DE biz., imo.

Take care, everyone.

SOTD 1st December 2016:

Razor- LASSC BBS-1
Blade- GSB
Soap- Barrister & Mann Seville
Brush- Simpson Chubby 2 Manchurian
AS- Fine American Blend


Hi Greg,
Firstly, the BBS-1 looks cooler very time I see it.......walks out of room in floods of tears. :(:p:)

How do you rate the Chubby? I really like my Captain in Manchurian. I'm tempted (shocker!:rolleyes:) to go for a Chubby in Manchurian too.

Hi Greg,
Firstly, the BBS-1 looks cooler very time I see it.......walks out of room in floods of tears. :(:p:)

How do you rate the Chubby? I really like my Captain in Manchurian. I'm tempted (shocker!:rolleyes:) to go for a Chubby in Manchurian too.


Hi Rob,

The BBS-1 has been my best and worst acquisition. It's the only razor I've used since I got it because of how well it performs and now my other razors are collecting dust [emoji2].

The Chubby 2 Manchurian is one of my favourite brushes and I would definitely recommend it. Once you get the lathering technique of using such a dense brush dialled in, there's nothing else like it. This Chubby has a more bulb shape knot than my other ones for some reason.

Hi Rob,

The BBS-1 has been my best and worst acquisition. It's the only razor I've used since I got it because of how well it performs and now my other razors are collecting dust [emoji2].

The Chubby 2 Manchurian is one of my favourite brushes and I would definitely recommend it. Once you get the lathering technique of using such a dense brush dialled in, there's nothing else like it. This Chubby has a more bulb shape knot than my other ones for some reason.


Cheers Greg for getting back to me. I'm now off to the Simpsons site.:p:D
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