SOTD Saturday 29th August to Friday 4th September.

I've been scruffy for a few days:
Omega 49
Lord Super Chrome [1]
Proraso Green AS - this stuff is great!
A good 3 days growth and the iKon SB was up to the task. I don't often use it as it is quite aggressive, but what a shave it give with care. 1 pass was good 2 and touch up = one of the best irritation free shaves I've had in a good while.
Enjoy the new series of X Factor ;)
gillette #58
polsiver super iridium
proraso pre
omega 10018
proraso green tub
d r harris pink AS milk
czech and speake no88 cologne

Still on the #58 eg, eh mate? Hope it's giving you a chin-wanking good shave! Glad to see it getting good use as ultimately I never got on with it despite trying so hard. Most beautiful razor I ever owned but then I've never had me paws on an Aristo or owt like that. Posh cologne that!

nick_s, yon was the bog standard Woodspice which is fine if not an absolute favourite though I wasn't too keen on the Amber unlike your good self. The Burgundy is the best of the lot for me although it lacks the longevity of the original green 'un. Lovely black pepper & sandalwood scent in the Burgundian Reserve £6 Especial.

Next rasping day, I's a-gittin' the vintage Old Spice oot - need a manly injection as opposed to an injection from a man. Each to their own though....:D

Evening, all.
Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: EJ DE89
Blade: Derby Extra (1)
Brush: Kabuki Bamboo
Shave cream: Kiss My Face unscented
Aftershave: Homemade Kölnisch Wasser splash
Cologne: James Bronnley
Evening lads

havent posted here for a while because nothing has changed until last week....................

palmolive stick
mongoose & feather pro guard :O amazing
floid vigarosso

i aint gonna lie the mongoose is a game changer for me
Gillette pre-shave wash
Muhle 21mm Black Fibre V2
Haslinger Meeresalgen
Wizamet Super Iridium
Baylis & Harding Noir Balm

Exactly the same as last Saturday following a week in Belgium. Several of the items above should have been aired on acquisitions, but holidays and old new site issues put paid to that.

Muhle 21mm Black Fibre V2 - Pretty cheap at £15 as I wanted a brush for small soaps and travelling. Soft tips and a strong (possibly a little much to be ideal for face lathering) backbone. It made short work of the Haslinger

Haslinger Meeresalgen - After reading a boatload of positive reviews I ordered 4 pucks from TVB Shaving in Slovenia. The Salbei or seaweed soap, smells pleasantly soap like with just a light generic fragrance. The fragrance was the only thing I would describe as ordinary. Lathering, cushion and glide were all absolutely spot on. I bought a small pyrex pot from a charity shop for 50p to hold the soap without it slipping and it works perfectly.

Wizamet Super Iridium - Thanks to Martin (Nico1970) for a couple of these to try. A great blade in the EJ DE89. Smooth yet sharp.
Last edited:
30 August 2015

Sun 30th Aug.

Victoria PB brush - mine from 70`s !
La Toja Sensitive Cream
Gem S/S [ 3 ]
Alum Rub/Rinse Off
La Toja A/S lotion

Good lather with this Cream/Brush combination . The shave as usual with this razor is very good,and surprisingly easy, the lather no doubt helped. Face feels very comfortable, this cream which I used for the first time appears to have a moisturising effect.

Am really liking the Spanish Shaving products that I have tried so far, they perform well for me,and are relatively inexpensive,and can be purchased in UK too.

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