SOTD Saturday 3rd September - Friday 9th September

Tues 6th Sept.
RazoRock Plissoft 24mm
OSP Bay Rum
Schick G1
Schick single [ 3-Japan ]
Alum Rub/Rinse off
Tuff Green A/S

Since using this razor with the modern Japanese Schick blade, I am enjoying the G1 a lot more. The shave of today was not only smooth and comfortable, bit I seemed to get angles right so that the finish was good too, without the need for many polishing up strokes. Will have to retry it with the "Chick " again , to determine where I went wrong with it before- abandoned after 2 Shaves!.

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OSP bay rum is on my to order list, what do you think about the scent?
This afternoon's shave:
  1. Pre: Glyce soap wash / GFT West Indian Limes Skin Food
  2. Shave: Wickham's 1912 cashmere / The Duke 3 Best / Merkur 34CHD + Voskhod (1)
  3. Post: Coal Tar soap wash / cold rinse + alum / Cashmere splash / GFT Lime skin food balm
Excellent combo. Forgot how much I like the 34C. Great to have the regulator on the new 1912 bottle!

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A very pleasing picture Greybeard .
This afternoon's shave:
  1. Pre: Glyce soap wash / GFT West Indian Limes Skin Food
  2. Shave: Wickham's 1912 cashmere / The Duke 3 Best / Merkur 34CHD + Voskhod (1)
  3. Post: Coal Tar soap wash / cold rinse + alum / Cashmere splash / GFT Lime skin food balm
Excellent combo. Forgot how much I like the 34C. Great to have the regulator on the new 1912 bottle!

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My first DE razor and a fine workhorse. For me, it works beautifully with a Feather in its cap (today's shave, q.v.). Also with a Personna Israeli Red.
Must try these Voskhod fellows sometime...
Tuesday AM 2016-09-06

Georgetown Pottery G12 scuttle
Rooney 2/1 Finest (20mm/52mm)
Penhaligon's Lords shaving soap (tallow)
Delta Echo Feather AS-D2/Triad Titanium Blue Aristocrat
Wilkinson Light Brigade (5)
Penhaligon's Lords aftershave (vintage)
Wash - Meissner Tremonia Puristic
Prep - Noxzema / Hot towel
Pre shave - Prep
Razor – ‘The Rock' (Rockwell 6S - plate 3)
Blade – Timor
Brush - New Forest Tubby 1 Finest
Soap – Phoenix and Beau Denali
Post - Witch Hazel

I do prefer the GSB in ‘The Rock', but the Timor provided a very comfortable BBS shave... mission accomplished.
Evening gents,

Prep: Hot shower and L'Oreal charcoal face wash.
Pre: king of shaves pre shave oil and hot towels.
Razor: ATT R1
Blade: Gillette 7 o'clock (4)
Brush: Simpsons the Duke 3
Cream: OSP 'Barbershop'
Post: Thayers Witch Hazel and Fine Platinum Aftershave.

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