SOTD : Saturday 7th May - Friday 13th May 2022.

SOTD: 10/05/2022

Razor: Razorock Hawk V3A
Blade: Feather Pro, 2nd use
Brush: Knothead Brush Works 26mm AP Shave Co. Synbad
Bowl: Captains Choice Copper Lather Bowl Standard Bowl
Preshave: PAA Cube Unscented Soap
Soap: Signature Wicstun Puck
Aftershave: TOBS No. 7 Lime Aftershave
Balm: Bart's Balm BEN KILBRECK Balm
Additional Care: Osma Laboratoires Alum Block

An excellent start to the day. Every step in the shave was spot on, especially the Signature Soap and Synbad. Sod it I’m going to go order it as a splash!
Tuesday AM 2022-05-10
The first national US paper currency was issued on this date in 1775, Continental Congress

Rooney 1/1 Ivory Finest (22/45)
Crabtree & Evelyn Almond Oil shaving cream (vintage)
Carbon Shaving Oda
Personna 74 Tungsten (10)
RazoRock R-160 Sweet Almond aftershave balm

The slightly old Rooney made wonderful lather with the cream. The new Carbon razor is even smoother than the Adamas, almost rivaling the smoothness of my Paradigm 17-4. And the shave was finished with the great discontinued balm, leaving my face BBS.
PS-Signature Lavender (liquid)
Brush-Oz Generic
Razor-Gillette Tech*
Blade-Gillette Black
Soap-Signature Londonium
AS-Barts Lavender
AAS-Tea Tree Oil

* Visited the parts box and assembled what I think might be a tech but who cares. A bit light and a flimsy handle but worked ok with the Gillette blade.

** Londinium appeared today so pressed it into action. Performed well but the jury is still deliberating between it and Danum.

Great Sandy Desert Shave

Prep: Barrister Reserve Cool soap, Alt Innsbruck Emulsion
Brush: Shavemac 3-band Silvertip Badger
Cream: Musgo Real Classic
Razor: Above The Tie S1
Blade: Vintage NOS Gillette Spoiler (1)
Post: Proraso Green Aftershave Lotion (in Clubman mini-bottle), Alt Innsbruck Emulsion
Scent: Penhaligon's Sartorial EdT

Glamped up the Camp shave with a few high-end products - jolly good outcome!
SOTD 11-May
Brush: C&H 'Finned' V14
Soap: MSC Black Tie
Razor: Koraat Ebony 6/8
Post: MSC Black Tie AS

Cracking shave this morning, found I had a little time so pulled out a straight. One of my favourites with the weight behind it, think it could do with a slight touch up but still got the job done.

Still loving the black tie, may have to get the inlaws to bring over a few more when they visit in a couple of months!

Smooth and ready for the day ahead, hope everyone has a cracking day!


Wed 11 SOTD
Soap Colonel Conk Amber
Brush Yaqi 24mm Sagrada Familia
Razor Karve Brass OC-D
Blade Persona X Series 7th
Aftershaves Stirling Witchhazel Orange Chill + Clubman Brandy Spice
Just excellent, the CC soaps! This soap produces a superbly rich, creamy, and very slick lather so easily...with a light scent...
Today's pairing with the razor & the surprisingly lasting blade gives a surprisingly smooth, crisp, and enjoyable shave. Efficiency dropped some. 3passes for a dfs++ finish without any issues. The aftershave was just terrific!
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