SOTD: Saturday March 11 - Friday 17 March 2023.

First shave with this Old type and any Old type for some years.
Shave 6 with the Spoiler which is losing its sharpness and feels a bit rough for me.
Dug out the Astra Keramik which is now on its eighth shave! A good result but could have been closer. Smooth.

I can't quite figure out the angle of the Old type. Should it be a narrow or wide angle for the best performance?
Appreciate any tips.

Rating: 3.5 / 5

Razor: Gillette Old Type
Blade: Gillette Super Stainless "the Spoiler"
Brush: Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements Amber Aerolite Stygian Synthetic
Lather: Signature Londinium
Aftershave: M&S Harvard Sandalwood
First shave with this Old type and any Old type for some years.
Shave 6 with the Spoiler which is losing its sharpness and feels a bit rough for me.
Dug out the Astra Keramik which is now on its eighth shave! A good result but could have been closer. Smooth.

I can't quite figure out the angle of the Old type. Should it be a narrow or wide angle for the best performance?
Appreciate any tips.

Rating: 3.5 / 5

Razor: Gillette Old Type
Blade: Gillette Super Stainless "the Spoiler"
Brush: Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements Amber Aerolite Stygian Synthetic
Lather: Signature Londinium
Aftershave: M&S Harvard Sandalwood
Sharp blade and ride the top cap.
Monday AM 2023-03-13
Monday the 13th

Rooney Beehive Ivory Finest (24/50)
Ethos Grooming Vanilla Safi shaving soap
Wilkinson Light Brigade (6)
Ginger's Garden Almond aftershave

Vanilla and almond, an excellent combination, especially with a sweet beehive.
Monday 13 March
I’ve finally caught up as to which week I’m in following my return from holiday. It’s not so much I don’t know what day it is but which week, doh. Must be the weather.
My second consecutive shave with the F Type today. I tried a different approach to avoid irritating my neck, viz and to wit, soap only the face to start with and shave that wtg and atg. Then soap the neck and repeat wtg and atg. finish with pick ups. Wash face with soapy water, apply alum block. Result was about as good as it gets for me with no weeps or neck irritation.
Spitfire soap lathered well with my synthetic re-knot, its smell is ok but I’m not that wild about it. Luckily the smell doesn’t seem to last and its creaminess is fine.
Have a great evening fellas!


'Menthol Monday'

Pre - Palmolive
Brush - Yaqi Plissoft 24mm
Soap - Proraso Green Cream
Razor - Gillette 1950's Aluminium Tech
Blade - Statum Platinum Chrome (1)
Post - Effect Cucumber
AS - Brut Original

First Tech I'm not too keen about! The razor head with an aluminium baseplate is not as enjoyable to use in the shave as one with a brass baseplate! It's clearly much lighter, I definitely prefer a slightly heavier razor head.
Nice shave though, the Statum Platinum Chrome is a good blade, smooth and efficient.

Have a good start to the week gents.

Took a fancy photo of ‘stuff’. Couldn’t manage a shower or shave at the ideal time. Did manage later in the day, just. Kit was totally different to the photo though. I’m rambling again…

Merkur Progress, Personna PC
Omega 20102 Boar
Tabac Stick
Tabac AS
3P Pre/Post

Crikey, it’s Tabac Monday. Just because I’m a non-conformist eejit. Feel better for that. Still completely wiped out but clean and smooth. Eesh.
Took a fancy photo of ‘stuff’. Couldn’t manage a shower or shave at the ideal time. Did manage later in the day, just. Kit was totally different to the photo though. I’m rambling again…

Merkur Progress, Personna PC
Omega 20102 Boar
Tabac Stick
Tabac AS
3P Pre/Post

Crikey, it’s Tabac Monday. Just because I’m a non-conformist eejit. Feel better for that. Still completely wiped out but clean and smooth. Eesh.

How did you find the new Tabac?
Tuesday 14th March


Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
Savonniere du Moulin & DSC Professional w/Synbad Synthetic Fan 26mm
Muhle Rocca Stainless & Lord Tajam Platinum
Brut Splash-On (as Aftershave)

Yeah! Really getting the Lord Platinum format now ...

Tajam. Sharp, in Indonesian. Lord Tajam is the Platinum partner to the Lord Cool Super Stainless, a pair of blades marketed to Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand & the Phillippines. Cracking pair of blades!

Sharp, indeed! Sharp and unforgiving, but ride that wave just on the crest of danger and you're rewarded with a superbly smooth and efficient shave that can perform as well in one pass as a couple of passes of most other blades.
Second shave with the rapira supersteel blade, so swapped razors today.

Fatip slant open comb
Rapira supersteel, 2nd shave
Hampshire lanolin 2/3 mix
Nivea post shave Balm menthol

Quite impressed with the rapira blades so far, very smooth if not as sharp as other blades. Definitely recommend to a new comer and seem to work well in the slant razor. 2 pass shave, no problems. Definitely a blade that will be in the use again/random pick drawer.

I may give it a run out in the pearl blaze tomorrow for the final shave.
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