Todays drink with a Rorschach test *8/3 blob*...

RE: Todays drink with a Rorschach test *7/2 blob*...

RE: Todays drink with a Rorschach test *9/2 blob*...

:p yes, yes ... Sometimes I don't put my soul into it, so shot me :mad:

Can't you see the cosmic corner stone of universes fabric, in todays picture??
RE: Todays drink with a Rorschach test *9/2 blob*...

First one...Clockwise...... mans profile, facing right

Second one.......Shrimp /man hybrid.........can't possibly be PC ,he's more handsome than that......
RE: Todays drink with a Rorschach test *9/2 blob*...

Cheers William! I don't know if I dare post todays blob, maybe PigCat'll bite my head off ... :s :angel: (no worries Adam, I'm just pulling your chain)

RE: Todays drink with a Rorschach test *9/2 blob*...

First one...Clockwise...... mans profile, facing right

Second one.......Shrimp /man hybrid.........can't possibly be PC ,he's more handsome than that......

Actually I am a bit of a shrimp. :blush:
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