Weber Razor

So I looked and couldn't find anything written at TSR about this DE razor made in Yankeetown. You guys familiar with this thing at all? Website's and it looks pretty interesting.

The razor's been mostly getting very nice reviews for price, build quality for the money, and performance. Lookswise, it's a sorta mixed bag.

I've been having a read over on B&B about this. It looks pretty good.

The only reason i don't have one is because i think the handle is just way too long.

If they did a short handled version, i'd have one for sure.
Hi . I looked at these somewhere last month... The Co. had another head configuration before the coated one. It was an OC that I thought that I'd like better, but couldn't find one. I'm also not sure if the new head is 'their's' or they just make the handle and coat it?? Not sure.
(the OC looked like it would take a better!:)-) )
Dipesh said:
I've been having a read over on B&B about this. It looks pretty good.

The only reason i don't have one is because i think the handle is just way too long.

If they did a short handled version, i'd have one for sure.

See now, I was thinking the same thing about the length, but now I'm rolling things over a bit more in my head. The handle weighs 2 ounces which is good, and the grip's supposed to be much better than usual. But yeah, it's almost as long as a Lady Gillette or Super Adjustable, which takes some tweaking in my hand.



Johnus said:
Hi . I looked at these somewhere last month... The Co. had another head configuration before the coated one. It was an OC that I thought that I'd like better, but couldn't find one. I'm also not sure if the new head is 'their's' or they just make the handle and coat it?? Not sure.
(the OC looked like it would take a better!:)-) )

I'm pretty sure the head's their own design and are built and made in Missouri. The coating's applied there as well, whatever it is.

I'm sorta tempted to pull the trigger on a handle to fit my Stahly head. Yeah, for $20 it seems like a very fair price for what you get. It IS long though....sheesh.

Type at you later, you crazy leatherfaced guy,

I got one a few days ago. I'm liking it. The handle is long but works for me - grip is good, almost sharp. Finish on the handle isn't great, but I put it in the chuck of a drill and went through the grades with some silicon carbide paper and it looks fine now - 15 minutes work.

The head is like a Merkur HD - plenty of bite, but not over agressive. I feel the black DLC coating makes it a little smoother, but it's no big deal. I like the look - kinda stealthy! Shave-wise, it's very efficient - I can get a decent (not quite BBS) shave in one and a bit passes. Perfect as an everyday razor and on busy workday mornings, but it will give a great BBS with time and finesse at weekends.

So, it's no Feather or iKon, but it ain't that kind of price. Personally, I feel it's a bit of a bargain, even allowing for the finish on the handle (which is easily sorted).
Looks a fine razor but it's like a lot of things made on other continents, if there is no established retailer network there you're going to pay over the odds. So at $20 US, (£14 sterling) it's a good price and I'd have one.
But: Move it to the UK where there is no real network and it's now £40 sterling, or around $60 US.

Head like a Merkur 34C, and a long, long handle? Sounds very much like a Merkur 23C to me then, which you can get for £20. Shop local, you crazy kids.

By the way I just kind of took this up as a Devil's adovocate thing (I'm really bored) so I hope no-one takes offence, I'm just shooting the shit.
No, it's a fair point. I suppose it's just something new, but I'm sure it's no better than a Merkur.

However, that's not to say I won't get one!

Ah, i think you misunderstand about the price. It's the same the world over. $20 for the handle or 55 for the razor, with a $7 shipping charge to the UK. Whether it's good VFM is another matter!

Although I probably won't be getting the razor, I did look around at the members who use em and found mostly positive reviews on the shave itself. Seems like for $62 shipped to you foreign types, it might be worth taking a chance on. You don't see a lot of all stainless razors being sold for that price.

dodgy said:

Although I probably won't be getting the razor, I did look around at the members who use em and found mostly positive reviews on the shave itself. Seems like for $62 shipped to you foreign types, it might be worth taking a chance on. You don't see a lot of all stainless razors being sold for that price.


That's what I thought Martin. Plus I have a small gibbon giving me some grief about it.
Really guys, as Dodgy says "You don't see a lot of stainless razors being sold for that price"...What are you losing? Nothing. You don't like it...put it on the 'bay.
Done, gone and you lose no money. Or, sell it on B&B, trust me it'll be done in seconds.
I've been using mine with a Feather blade in it these last couple of days, and it's given me a couple of the best shaves I've had in a very long while.

There's something about this razor - for me, it has a superb balance, and it feels so tight and solid - it almost "rings" as it cuts the stubble. It feels a lot more solid than a Merkur HD, even if the head design is similar. I suppose it's down to being made from stainless rather than zinc alloy and brass. I don't say it'll suit everyone, but I like it.
MandoBear said:
I've been using mine with a Feather blade in it these last couple of days, and it's given me a couple of the best shaves I've had in a very long while.

There's something about this razor - for me, it has a superb balance, and it feels so tight and solid - it almost "rings" as it cuts the stubble. It feels a lot more solid than a Merkur HD, even if the head design is similar. I suppose it's down to being made from stainless rather than zinc alloy and brass. I don't say it'll suit everyone, but I like it.

Hi there,

Good to hear the razor fits you well,

Yeah, the head design is supposed to be different than a Merkur, and most people who've posted about the shave has liked em a good bit. Interesting comment about the way it feels in your hand.

Thanks for your thoughts,


Well, I bought a Weber handle a little while back and have been using it with the Stahly head (a favorite of mine). Took me a couple shaves to adjust technique for the long handle/balance thingy, but not a big deal. After using this set up for eight shaves it's pretty much second nature now.

The handle weighs a few ounces I think, and the weight really adds a nice dimension to how it feels in my hand. Knurling is better than average.

For $20 plus shipping I can see lots of people finding a use for this thing. I was a little skeptical about shaving with a handle that long, which turned out to be fine after all. Can't tell you if it's gonna fit all razor heads like the EJ/Muhle versions or even a Merkur.

I'm very happy with the purchase and would recommend one of these if you're looking to tweak your razor a bit for any reason.



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