What are you reading at the moment?

Taken the Kindle away on holiday and, at the girlfriend's and housemate's recommendation, read Wuthering Heights. I persevered without enjoying it; I've never read a book that I've felt physically repulsed by. I'm now half way through War and Peace which I'm loving. I enjoyed Anna Karenina a few years ago, so it comes as no surprise.

I'm also reading Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe as I've decided to start working out again. It's been a while, so I thought that I should (re)start right at the beginning.
Just finished Feather Men by Sir Ranulph Fiennes.
Very well written, great story. It has an air of controversy about it as its meant to be a true story, but never officially confirmed or denied.
Recently made into a film (Killer Elite) with Robert De Niro and Jason Statham.

And this is being followed by another Fiennes book, his autobiography Living Dangerously. Another great find in my local 2nd hand book shop for 50p.
Just finished the first of John D. MacDonald's Travis McGee books. Really first-class: of its time without being unbearably dated. I can see why Lee Child's been forewording the new editions.
I just finished Lauren Beukes's rightly-praised The Shining Girls. A SFF serial-killer piece staggeringly well-written, and containing the most discomfiting short chapter I can remember. If this is your kind of thing, it does not get any better.
Really enjoying this series so onto the third.
James Herbert, Ash. Many years since I read his stuff, but wife got it on her kindle, so I thought I'd give it a try. So far not to bad. Not a patch on the rats trilogy though!
Well I enjoyed Earthsea and am now hoping to get hold of the second and third in the series. I've read that the fourth doesn't really fit in with the first three and is more a stand-alone novel.

Now I am on the verge of beginning Gormenghast but rather scared about what I am letting myself in for...
Reading 'My Life As a Hooker....(When a middle aged bloke discovered rugby) by Steven Gauge.
It's a riot.....Chapter 13 is entitled 'A Drinking Club With A Rugby Problem'. Candid and unpretentious stuff from a bloke whose mid life crisis is Rugby Union.
Pig Cat, Gormenghast is wonderful and quite unlike anything else I know. Perhaps a little consciously poetic, but at least in my opinion it works. You might not like it, but you just might love it beyond measure. Worth a gamble, surely.

I'm now on to the fifth Travis McGee book. They started well and are improving further.
Dr Rick said:
Pig Cat, Gormenghast is wonderful and quite unlike anything else I know. Perhaps a little consciously poetic, but at least in my opinion it works. You might not like it, but you just might love it beyond measure. Worth a gamble, surely.

Well I've read a few chapters and I'm really enjoying it. Unfortunately I have a history of starting books and not finishing them, but hopefully this one will be un-turnoffable*.

* A new phrase invented by me for Kindle owners everywhere.
Pig Cat said:
Well I've read a few chapters and I'm really enjoying it. Unfortunately I have a history of starting books and not finishing them, but hopefully this one will be un-turnoffable*.

* A new phrase invented by me for Kindle owners everywhere.

Tried them twice found them very turnoffable indeed. Pretentious twaddle is the main thing that comes to mind on recollection. YMMV of course.

Pig Cat said:
Well I've read a few chapters and I'm really enjoying it. Unfortunately I have a history of starting books and not finishing them, but hopefully this one will be un-turnoffable*.

* A new phrase invented by me for Kindle owners everywhere.

Tried them twice found them very turnoffable indeed. Pretentious twaddle is the main thing that comes to mind on recollection. YMMV of course.
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