What grinds your gears?

If you're sitting on the inside seat of a two seater (next to the window) on a train, and you need to get off before the person who's sat next to you and they don't really move out your way (as in get up out of the seat to let me get out). Move your fookin ass! I can't bloody squeeze past your chunky thigh frame can I, hence why they get a knee in their body haha.
Going a McDonalds/Costa/Subway etc... and saying "Can I get a xxx"
No you f*cking can't!
Surely it's, please can I have, or I'd like a xxx please....
And yes, none indicating drivers, drivers who can't use roundabouts, drivers who leave foglights on....:mad::mad::mad:
People who post consecutively in threads - it's even worse when it's a thread they started. I think I've just done it myself. Or should that be me? I know the word myself upsets someone. Or should that be somebody?
My brother.

A few on here may remember two years ago my mother was living with him and we found out that he was physically, financially, mentally and emotionally abusing her. Long store involving threats to hit her, selling her stuff and taking money off her. I got her moved and safe, I saw to it that her place was decorated, filled in forms etc etc. Got her to the docs and back to full health, and she's a lot better and happier.

Anyway, in all of this I never threatened him, I never shouted at him, never even swore at him. He has a record for winding people up to the point where he gets threatened or hit and he then scurries off to the Police. As I love my Scouting I can't have anything against my name, squeaky clean. So I've kept control. Also I wouldn't stoop to his level.

Well shortly after, twice he aimed his car at me with the kids in, I kid you not. So he's been told to stay away and he does. It's hurts that he got away with all this, and that my mum is still scared to report him.

Well today I find out that the little low life had made up a story and reported me to our Scout Commissioner, anonymously but it is quite obvious it's him. There is also simply no one else it could be. I've no enemies here and no one I have upset. Thankfully as my Group Scout Leader knows what has gone on she and her husband gathered who it was straight away. Also they know me and they know what kind of person I am. I've gone into too much details to bore you with it all but someone else has supported me against his lies. It's only a personal character thing has done, nothing iffy nothing which affects the young people and certainly nothing illegal.


I just keep saying to myself "I'm the better man".
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