SOTD: Saturday 6 July - Friday 12 July 2024.

Todays the day Shave :eek:
Pre - Dove Original Cream Bar
Brush - Simpson Commodore X1 Best Badger
Soap - OSP Orange and Patchouli
Razor - "Blackrock Lupera" L2
Blade - Racer Super Class Platinum
Post - Cold water Rinse
Balm - Barts Balm Ben Lomond & Original Cinnamon & Patchouli lotion
A/S - OSP Orange and Patchouli
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Well todays the day i run with this Frankenrazor, the Lupera, i think that sounds better.
Right then, a really thick, creamy lather whipped up on the chin with the X1 best to protect my fizzog as best as possible.
The first few tentative strokes went OK and i found a very nice shave angle, no chatter at all from the razor, this is not as vicious as it looks, in fact it is very, very smooth and comfortable. I completed the WTG pass without issue, not a mark on me and with the rinse off and check it had done a damn good job of things and my face was feeling really comfortable.
I lathered up again and completed an ATG pass, my lather still very thick and creamy, no issues clogging at all, again a very comfortable, efficient pass.
I decided to go for a 3rd pass XTG to finish off, again no issues and the rinse off gave me smooth, comfy, BBS finish.
A wonderful post shave has left me feeling and smelling good and smiling like a Cheshire cat.
I have to admit that was one of the most satisfying and enjoyable shaves i have had this year. It obviously has something to do with the shave plane angle rather than the nature of how it looks.
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So, will i use this Frankenrazor again? Hell yeah, i will probably try the L3 plate next though. The Lupo base plate does not fit the Blackland top cap so that trial is out.
Enjoy your day all.

My Menthol Madness Monday Shave today consisted of...
Prep Freshwood pre-shave oil.
Brush Goodfellas Smile Wild hog.
Soap Once upon a time.
Menthol crystals.
Bowl Captains choice Obsidian Copper.
Razor Occam's Oren 3 dot.
Blade Kai Captain titan mild Pink (6)
Aftercare Johnny Bravo love potion.
Aftershave Once upon a time splash.

After my run with my running buddy, who loves accompanying me.
His tongue is always out because after 4 miles he is thinking ice beer would be great right now.


I hit the shower whilst he guarded the door. He has made it his job and seems to enjoy his role as shower guardian.

As the blade was starting to feel a tad rough the last few shaves, I thought I would pop it into the Oren as it's floating blade feature works great for rough blades.
A top notch shave with a razor that is pretty impossible to clog up and a breeze to clean and by far the easiest razor to pop a blade in and out of.
2 passes and super smooth job done.
Have a great day everyone.
Monday 8th July


Boots Old English Lavender Shaving Bowl & Mohawk w/Purtech Synthetic 22mm
Razorock Hawk V3 (A Plate) w/Yaqi Tsuka Handle & Feather Professional Super (1)
Brut Splash-On Lotion (as Aftershave)
a little bit of a conundrum with this qshave futur clone. I had a day and a half of growth and have been using vintage Gillettes for a couple of months so wanted to try something more modern and aggressive for a change. I like the size and weight and feel and the handle is not slippery dispite bring smooth. it has a huge blade gap on most settings but is actually pretty mild. having shaved with shavettes for years, the blade gap doesn't bother me.

during the shave though, it felt like one side was shaving more and the other wasn't cutting. after the second pass, I took the head off and sure enough, lather stuck to one blade edge and very little on the other. only click on the attachment below if you don't mind being grossed out by some stubble.

I flipped the blade and used the other side for a pass and just ignored the milder side entirely. then I put the blade into a tech to finish up. I'd decided this razor definitely needs binned since it's uneven and unpredictable but in the end, I got a really smooth, close, comfortable result. I guess I could use only one side of it at a time but life's too short and there's plenty better razors and I'm not certain I could reliability replicate the results even with that. probably I'd like something that shaves like this, not this. I don't think adjustables are for me either, I just left it on 4.

I'll give my lord head a run out soon since I remember it having quite a large blade gap. or bring out the R41 head but I remember that being too raw and aggressive.

fantastic shave result overall but not sure if I should bin this right away this or give it one more try.


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Razor = Shield SS
Blade = Gillette Nacet Golden Shave
Brush = Highlander 26mm SHD Manchurian
Soap = Ariana & Evans Asian Pear with
matching splash.
Balm = Bart’s Balm Ben Kilbreck.
IMG_2019.jpegBack home a few hours ago and a wonderful shave was the order of the day.
The Razor & Brush were first to me & neither disappointed.
The Razor is definitely a daily shaver,
one i’d be happy with on a regular basis.
The handle on this brush is first class, A pour of epoxy resin and the knot performs superbly.
I love brushes that are different & unique and this one is certainly that.
A Big Thank Youvto Highlander for making some fantastic handles.
All the best guys enjoy the rest of the week.
Razor = Shield SS
Blade = Gillette Nacet Golden Shave
Brush = Highlander 26mm SHD Manchurian
Soap = Ariana & Evans Asian Pear with
matching splash.
Balm = Bart’s Balm Ben Kilbreck.
View attachment 122491Back home a few hours ago and a wonderful shave was the order of the day.
The Razor & Brush were first to me & neither disappointed.
The Razor is definitely a daily shaver,
one i’d be happy with on a regular basis.
The handle on this brush is first class, A pour of epoxy resin and the knot performs superbly.
I love brushes that are different & unique and this one is certainly that.
A Big Thank Youvto Highlander for making some fantastic handles.
All the best guys enjoy the rest of the week.
You're welcome Mike, I'm glad that you got that brush which is really unique.
No shave this evening because in the words of the Sex Pistols....

And so the theme shall be, 'I'm a lazy sod'

No razor, blade, brush, soap, moisturiser but there was some Hermes Verte Orange involved somewhere in the day.

'Don't even ask as I just can't be arsed either'

But you do need some Japanese girlies

Mmmmmm? May be you don't. See you tomorrow with a real shave
a little bit of a conundrum with this qshave futur clone. I had a day and a half of growth and have been using vintage Gillettes for a couple of months so wanted to try something more modern and aggressive for a change. I like the size and weight and feel and the handle is not slippery dispite bring smooth. it has a huge blade gap on most settings but is actually pretty mild. having shaved with shavettes for years, the blade gap doesn't bother me.

during the shave though, it felt like one side was shaving more and the other wasn't cutting. after the second pass, I took the head off and sure enough, lather stuck to one blade edge and very little on the other. only click on the attachment below if you don't mind being grossed out by some stubble.

I flipped the blade and used the other side for a pass and just ignored the milder side entirely. then I put the blade into a tech to finish up. I'd decided this razor definitely needs binned since it's uneven and unpredictable but in the end, I got a really smooth, close, comfortable result. I guess I could use only one side of it at a time but life's too short and there's plenty better razors and I'm not certain I could reliability replicate the results even with that. probably I'd like something that shaves like this, not this. I don't think adjustables are for me either, I just left it on 4.

I'll give my lord head a run out soon since I remember it having quite a large blade gap. or bring out the R41 head but I remember that being too raw and aggressive.

fantastic shave result overall but not sure if I should bin this right away this or give it one more try.

I had similar issues with mine when I got it (to be honest, I never really took to it, but...) After a lot of research I discovered that the way the 3 parts of the head are put together makes a huge difference.
It actually explains the disassembly and correct assembly in the little booklet that came with mine - but you need infinite patience, and a magnifying glass! I went to YouTube and looked for Qshave alignment issues, the 'best' (I use the term loosely) is by "the Greek Shaver" (no, honestly).
However neither the video or booklet make a lot of sense until you get the damn thing in bits and then have to figure it out! And of course even after all that, it could still be a 'monday' one that slipped past their tight (humour!) quality control!
Worth a try however as it is quite a decent shaver when set up properly.
Good luck!
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