Acquisitions - August 2024


LeJog 2022 Finisher

Valentino Born in Roma

Amazing what you'll do when bored to tears om a trading estate. Tried this in Boots and thought 'Shit that is nice'. And so I bought some. There was something it reminded me of but couldn't quite think what.

Only this evening did I realise that although not on the fragrance tree, it's blackcurrant. Well more blackcurrant than violet which is. But then what would I know having zero fragrance nounce

Smells like seductive Ribena.
Chris, I hope you like the La Faulx razor as much as I do mine. The only difference is that I went for the ++ plate and then went back and bought the +++ plate, as well. Can I ask what finish did you go for? I went for the SS machined finish, for mine.
Machined finish here, also, Andy. I tried Jon's + La Faulx a couple of months back and enjoyed it. The + level worked for me but I also thought I could go a bit higher so got both plates for variety.
Machined finish here, also, Andy. I tried Jon's + La Faulx a couple of months back and enjoyed it. The + level worked for me but I also thought I could go a bit higher so got both plates for variety.
I noticed in passing that you had tried JP’s La Faulx, a little while back as you mentioned and I’m glad that you liked it so much that you bought it. If I’m honest with you, it sounds as though you, JP & myself may have a similar taste in razors, and I’m not sure if that’s good for my wallet!!!