Blades no longer on sale at eBay

For someone like me who loves the vintage stuff this is bad news.
Well, I suppose it depends how you look at it. I have a decent amount of blades (around 5,000 with an unknown split of vintage and modern but I'd guess 70/30 in favour of vintage ) so I don't *need* any more vintage (or arguably any more at all) so I could say it is good news for my poor bank account.

But it's nice to browse and for others to have a chance to try them.
Clearly some cretin in government has been watching too much Peaky Blinders.

The average teenage thug will just go and steal a kitchen knife from an open display in a shop (why it isn't mandated that these things aren't kept in locked displays beggars belief). They are not going to order a pack of DE blades on the grounds of both timeliness and effectiveness.
I've got a drawer full of blades of various sorts, but the good thing about eBay sellers was the range on offer. If you couldn't find what you wanted from one, there'd likely be another. The one area I'm not happy about is the possible difficulty in obtaining the rarer Japanese AC blade varieties.

Of course, it's a sign of the times and the collective madness. If it's a UK government thing (which I doubt somehow) then inevitably it's misconceived in the first place and the unintended effects and consequences completely ignored. Razor blades can't be sold to anyone under 18, and I guess that eBay have this or something similar in mind. Out of interest, has anyone come across a recent statement from eBay on this?
No I checked yesterday and there is nothing, not even in the prohibited items list, most odd! The nanny state at it again!

No I checked yesterday and there is nothing, not even in the prohibited items list, most odd! The nanny state at it again!

I had another dekko at the eBay prohibited items "Knives" section, and, lo and and behold, look what I found. If I understand it right, it should apply to all razor blades, including those lethal multi-blade cartridges, but they still seem to be in evidence.

There's no date on the eBay list, and it's not possible to see whether this is a new thing, or whether it was always there and they've become more stringent.

I just ordered some Personna DE blades from La Barbiera. A fairly limited range but no postage charges if you're in the UK. They've always proved reliable when I used them in the past.
200 blades waiting for me when I got home from work.
Straight in the letterbox, no signature required.
Cost me something like 15p more (for 200) than FleaBay.
What's not to like?
200 blades waiting for me when I got home from work.
Straight in the letterbox, no signature required.
Cost me something like 15p more (for 200) than FleaBay.
What's not to like?
Excellent supplier of blades as well as other shaving requisites. Along with BIDSM, I've used them for a while.

Where sellers have a presence and sales operation, as well as via eBay, I've usually gone direct to them. I'd rather pay them in such a way that they don't end up paying eBay fees, whenever that's possible.

I hope the eBay withdrawal brings them more business.
An excellent post sir. Let’s peruse such sellers and elevate them beyond eBay’s flawed idiocy. Thank you from this forum member.
I hadn't thought about saving the seller the eBay fees, good shout.

Plus my most recent interaction the other day with bigdealsmart dealing directly was cracking.

Ordered 50 kai blades to give a go, but they had a shipping issue and weren't confident that they were ok so offered to swap them out. Topped up the 50 NOS Wizamets to 100 and they offered to switch out my 500 standard GSB for the double wraps, bloomin brilliant.

Pretty sure the order would have simply been cancelled if it were through eBay.
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Big Deal Smart for the win!

(Yeah I know it's Big Deals Mart, but I prefer Big Deal Smart.)