Mental Health Awareness

Hey good buddy,

Don't be such a sissy boy! You wanna hear something gruesome that will cheer you up by comparison?

I've never mentioned my own little breathing issues but maybe it's a good time, seeing as how I'm onna downward spiral of sorts. Yeah, it's probably related to my 50 years of smoking unfiltered cigs.

So I was in really bad shape back in 2013 and quit smoking cold turkey. It's easy if the alternative is dying a horrific death soon. Had to retire and move in with relatives in 2016 which is where I am now.

I had a major operation in 2019 called LVRS, which stands for lung volume reduction surgery. Luckily I qualified for the procedure...only 10% of people with my illness are accepted and the requirements are tough. Needed about 75 hours of physical therapy to build up my strength with lots of exams and doctor visits. Heh, I hate to exercise but no choice.

The top 1/3 of each lung was removed and thankfully no complications occurred. The difference was immediately felt in an amazing way. Breathing was great right away!! Couldn't believe the results. The operation gave me 2 years of unobstructed wonderfulness but after 2 years it wore off. Now I'm where I was before and am listed as day to day...heh.

I now use steroids again when needed, plus 2 inhalers and two biologic injections per month. Those shots run around $5000-6000 per month which my insurance covers thank God. Sadly they don't make me feel any better but keep me from getting even worse. Next option is a lung transplant, which I will skip for sure.

Not asking for pity, since it was my own doing. Smoking used to be glamorous....hehe.

So, I got you beat when it comes to inhale/exhale stuff.

How's that sound?
Thank you for giving us the full gruesome information on your lung condition, it's certainly an eye opener and shows the dangers of smoking and I get that when you started smoking it was advertised on TV, bill boards etc as being cool and glamorous, I remember seeing all the advertising too, there wasn't even a hint that it could be detrimental to your health back then.
I'm guessing you are around your late 70's now and are listed as day to day, so you are on borrowed time, given your age I can kind of understand why you wouldn't want a huge operation that may give you a little more time if it was a success but there are no guarantees with these type of operations are there.
I hope you manage to dodge the grim reaper for a good while yet and hope you still enjoy life such as it is.
Still, It's good that you have your relatives around you.
Take care bud and thanks again for your story, as I said, a real eye opener!

If I may slightly derail this thread and speak about some legal (in most US states) drugs being sold at fast food stores, gas stations, and smoke shops. The idea behind these is to greatly improve a bad attitude like depression, make people less self conscious in social situations, and reduce pain very effectively. Sold as dietary supplements, they aren't regulated by any drug agency and most states allow the sales.

One thing I knew nothing about is kratom, which has been legal in Colorado for years. I've seen signs advertising it for sale in stores but never thought much about trying it. Turns out this is a real thing that does work well for those mentioned issues. Acts like an opioid like morphine and is a mood elevator as well......double jackpot bonus! Plus it's really cheap. Sound good?

Downside is the getting hooked part. Yeah, it's a potential big problem and tough to quit after a while. Larger doses are needed to get relief and yeah, you know how that goes.

The other readily available product uses the same kinda pitch and has similar effects. The active ingredient is called tianeptine and is even more addictive. Feel Free is the name of one brand and Neptune's Fix is another. It's amazing these things are not classified as hard core products like heroin.

Take a look at the advertising for these harmless 'supplements'. Really something.
My routine is work, buy stuff, sleep and repeat.
I have fallen out with a friend, I shall move on.
I have an ex who I chat with on WhatsApp, they only respond and never initiate. So I have decided to see how long I not required in her life...

Well the ex mentioned above came back in my life after they split with their partner. They originally wanted to connect, but by the time I found her message she had moved on. Initially we spoke for hours, but then that stopped. She was always online late at night. I imagine chatting to a new "friend". I haven't messaged for a month, and haven't received any messages.

Since relocating to the North West, I reached out to someone I previously dated. We have had some fun times together, but she stated she wasn't looking for a relationship. She has never shared her Instagram, but we have friends in common.

Anyway, after a friend posted their girls night out on Instagram I am now aware she is in a relationship with someone else, another female.

I have unrequited feelings for both. So playing sad love songs.
Well the ex mentioned above came back in my life after they split with their partner. They originally wanted to connect, but by the time I found her message she had moved on. Initially we spoke for hours, but then that stopped. She was always online late at night. I imagine chatting to a new "friend". I haven't messaged for a month, and haven't received any messages.

Since relocating to the North West, I reached out to someone I previously dated. We have had some fun times together, but she stated she wasn't looking for a relationship. She has never shared her Instagram, but we have friends in common.

Anyway, after a friend posted their girls night out on Instagram I am now aware she is in a relationship with someone else, another female.

I have unrequited feelings for both. So playing sad love songs.
Sorry to hear of your woman woes, I've been there too many times and all I can say is please don't jump into another relationship too soon, you have to really get over the breakup before this can happen and it stand a chance of working.
Time alone is a great healer and remember you really need to love yourself before it's possible to love anyone else.
Please don't dwell on what's already happened, look forward to what may happen in time.

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