Moisturiser advice please

I did loz when the wife said " why the hell are you buying stuff like that for, your either having an affair or your turning into a right tart, which is it?"
I replied "look it's recommended from the guys in the forum (innocent look)"
" So you gave up porn to end up talking to tarts with razors," she responded.
Sheesh women
Drag Queen GIF
I've been called worst.... if that's the price to pay for clean and well moisturised skin, I'll pay it gladly. 'Tart with a razor'.....
I usually use generic moisturisers with an SPF.

I've recently been told about an app called Yuka, which lets you scan the barcode of an item and it gives a rating on whether it contains any bad ingredients. Not great for online purchases. Could help decide between products. Most of mine seem to score poorly due to what ever ingredients are used for the SPF. I'm not sure I've skin damage by the sun is worse than the side effects claimed by the poor scoring ingredients.
I’m an Estée Lauder companies fan boy. I bought my mother an Estée Lauder moisturiser for Christmas a few years ago and she swears by it. Mum has very youthful looking skin and is in her 60s, so I’m hoping inheriting some good genetics, wearing a high factor sunscreen for my face and using the equivalent moisturisers for men from my 30s on will help.

I alternate between Clinique for men and Lab Series. A little goes a long way. I find the ones I use absorb quickly and I don’t look shiny. They all have very technical sounding names but I guess that’s part of the branding with “Lab Series.” My current favourites are Lab Series’ daily rescue hydrating emulsion or the all in one face treatment. I also use the daily rescue energizing gel crème when it’s on offer. The Clinique Maximum Hydrator 72-Hour Auto-Replenishing Hydrator is ok too.

I tend to use a splash of a water based toner after washing my face before moisturising. I sometimes use a serum before moisturising too.
I did loz when the wife said " why the hell are you buying stuff like that for, your either having an affair or your turning into a right tart, which is it?"
I replied "look it's recommended from the guys in the forum (innocent look)"
" So you gave up porn to end up talking to tarts with razors," she responded.
Sheesh women
Drag Queen GIF
Your missus has some sense.
A bit like wearing Womens underwear then?
What you do in the privacy of your own home is up to you. I pass no judgement on you but fail to see the link. As Paul Weller said this is a modern world. I'm interested to know why your so anti skincare when your on a shaving forum with men that enjoy shaving and sharing advice on all aspects of it.....

Just because you don't do it doesn't mean you can pass judgement on those that do.

I know you will come back with some sharp witticism, so I have my finger ready with the report button, if you want to try and insult me again....Hopefully we can leave it there and agree to disagree.
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