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Hidden (2015)


Its about a family living in a fall out shelter,it is quite clever,because you tend to presume things,that are proven to be wrong as the film progresses.They live in fear of 'The Breathers',hence the title,but as things are explained,you may be in for a surprise.
I enjoyed this,even though some of the twists in the plot are not that hard to work out,it still worked well.

I rate this, 7.5/10
Last night

Monica belluci in basque & suspenders on her knees

I've seen Spectre. It's just my personal opinion, but I think it's the worst movie since the reboot. There a few good things though. The movie is more of a traditional James Bond.

The good points:
- humour in the 1rst half of the movie, very Roger Moore or Timothy Dalton
- a very good henchman, with good car chases and fighting scenes
- the French actress Léa Seydoux is almost charming, usually I don't like her very much
- bigger part for other SIS members (i.e. Q)

The flaws:
- Waltz is a fantastic actor, his mastermind is good, but I had an impression of déjà vu (Inglorious Bastards...)
- the screenplay, which is weak and a bit a repetition of Skyfall (tradition vs. progress...), all the technical things are not even explained ; and the "relation" between Bond and Waltz, pretty weak and not very thorough
- all the sequences which are supposed to be classical James Bond (Bond is in the mastermind headquarter and is prisoner of the mastermind, the mastermind explains his plot to conquer the world while torturing the spy, etc) seem to be very cheap to me, almost useless regarding the whole movie

We are very far from Skyfall.
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Never enjoyed a Bond film since seeing You only live twice with my Dad, it was raining so hard it stopped us playing golf.

A man walks into a room and says I'm a secret agent, and no one shoots him where he stands ??? , believable in 1960 something, but not since Callan.
Spectre 4/10

I have to say, I did not enjoy it and I'd had enough by the car chase scene. On balance, as I said, I did not enjoy it and so it must therefore have less than 5/10. Why?

Style over substance. Yes, Bond should be like that, but Craig's Bond is mostly Bourne and there is no place for style when it comes to substance. Yes, there were a few giggles, nods and winks to the style that surpassed any trial as per the old films. For a Bourne-style action hero, the usual get out of any fix by having something blow up and henchmen just standing waiting to be shot was rubbish.

But that wasn't the worst of it ...

Waltz (Blofeld) was thoroughly unconvincing as the arch-villain. Heck, he was more evil as Chudnovsky in the 'Green Hornet', certainly more sinister as Landa in 'Inglorious'. Nope! In this, he was rubbish. Scant references to the line of lesser baddies that Bond had clearly had to fight through to meet this less than convincing arch-baddie were almost as if those scenes were simply cut, leaving weird continuity problems. Likewise, Scott (Max/C) was just wrong. He only really worked as Moriarti in Sherlock by virtue of Sherlock being young. His youth exuded inexperience, certainly for the calibre of player that he played. Odd, if not tenuous association with Sciarra's Mrs (Belluci), almost as if she was in the film as a favour.

No, the whole thing was just a badly strung set of action and style shots, each too long for their own good and the storyline taking a serious back seat only to dip into a mild pulse of life at Blofeld's lair, only to slip back into coma once it was clear that we were not going to get an arch-villain worth sitting up for.

Best performance was from Fiennes, whose M is both believable and watchable.

In context, I enjoyed 'Casino Royale' and rated 'Skyfall' highly. 'Skyfall' was both sign-off and sign-on as the "new" Bond. 'Spectre' made a very poor follow-up and it's not just that 'Skyfall' was truly excellent.

Spectre 4/10

I have to say, I did not enjoy it and I'd had enough by the car chase scene. On balance, as I said, I did not enjoy it and so it must therefore have less than 5/10. Why?

Style over substance. Yes, Bond should be like that, but Craig's Bond is mostly Bourne and there is no place for style when it comes to substance. Yes, there were a few giggles, nods and winks to the style that surpassed any trial as per the old films. For a Bourne-style action hero, the usual get out of any fix by having something blow up and henchmen just standing waiting to be shot was rubbish.

But that wasn't the worst of it ...

Waltz (Blofeld) was thoroughly unconvincing as the arch-villain. Heck, he was more evil as Chudnovsky in the 'Green Hornet', certainly more sinister as Landa in 'Inglorious'. Nope! In this, he was rubbish. Scant references to the line of lesser baddies that Bond had clearly had to fight through to meet this less than convincing arch-baddie were almost as if those scenes were simply cut, leaving weird continuity problems. Likewise, Scott (Max/C) was just wrong. He only really worked as Moriarti in Sherlock by virtue of Sherlock being young. His youth exuded inexperience, certainly for the calibre of player that he played. Odd, if not tenuous association with Sciarra's Mrs (Belluci), almost as if she was in the film as a favour.

No, the whole thing was just a badly strung set of action and style shots, each too long for their own good and the storyline taking a serious back seat only to dip into a mild pulse of life at Blofeld's lair, only to slip back into coma once it was clear that we were not going to get an arch-villain worth sitting up for.

Best performance was from Fiennes, whose M is both believable and watchable.

In context, I enjoyed 'Casino Royale' and rated 'Skyfall' highly. 'Skyfall' was both sign-off and sign-on as the "new" Bond. 'Spectre' made a very poor follow-up and it's not just that 'Skyfall' was truly excellent.


I am not too keen on the style of the new Bond either,I have not seen Spectre yet,and TBH,not that bothered either way. Didn't think much of Casino Royale,or Skyfall,so I wont be holding my breath for Spectre.I totally agree with you,that they have turned the Daniel Craig bond into Bourne.I much preferred the 'the eccentric English gent abroad' approach of Rodger Moore personally!.

I could probably forgive him if he whipped out his Slim mind......o_O
Great review pjgh!.
I am by no means averse to Daniel Craig ...

I thought 'Casino Royale' was pretty good, certainly enjoyed. 'Skyfall', I really enjoyed. Daniel Craig really stepped up and owned the character in 'Skyfall', modernised him without detracting from his past (as a character). I saw 'Skyfall' as both a sign-on (for the new Bond) and a sign-off (almost as if that was it for Craig). 'Spectre' as a follow-up, and it is a sequel, was a serious let-down both in plot and in character development - I wanted more of the Bond from 'Skyfall' but was largely given an advertising gimmick.

'Skyfall' was where the crest of the wave broke. It could have been a glorious ride ...

I always hated Sean Connery as Bond. I just couldn't see it with him. Roger Moore was always a hoot, family Christmas telly from an age when we looked forward to the blockbuster and the Bond at Christmas. Daniel Craig really made Bond his own in 'Skyfall', a character that you could believe in. In 'Spectre' he turned him into Bourne. Heck! M got the best line: "Now we know what C stands for" ... come on! Bond should have all the quips! It just shows, Raif (spelt "Ralph") does M well, he's got teeth, proper teeth.
I went to Spectre yesterday with my boy..
Whilst I did not think it as bad as a couple of the reviews above, I was certainly disappointed. Expectations too high? Possibly...
Not a patch on Skyfall...
Sightseers, British low key dark comedy that got too dark for me - bailed on it.

The Great MacGonagall, self indulgent post Goon buffoonery from Spike Milligan - helped pass the time on a train journey.
American Sniper - Very well produced and directed I think. The fact it was based on a true story meant that the ending couldn't be happy, but never the less, made for a fantastic film. I liked how they subtly hinted at the development of PTSD as opposed to going OTT. Some great moments, only let down by the dire American accent that Sienna Miller was doing.

Another Clint Eastwood classic.
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