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The Last Witch Hunter w/ Vin Diesel

First third of the movie was rather good and had me entertained.
Second third it just dragged a five minute plot into 30 minutes
Last third I wanted to just fast-forward to the end.

A 5.5/10 for me.

Just watched The Revanant, well what can I say about this movie. It's certainly a pilgrimage to get through at 2:39 but I think it was worth it. Not great IMO but pretty good!
Avengers Age Of Ultron
I loved this as much as the era of cinema we're in at the minute, big blockbusters that have cinemas filled like they never were. Proper comic book adventures brought to life as their creators intended. Saw it when it was released but as always, I like to watch it as soon as I can on the small screen. I find I take more in that way.
Last showing of Spectre at my local pictures. Not bad, had my hand over my eyes at one point though. I was amazed how many recycled scenes from other bond movies were in it though!
Cloud Atlas - Six different stories, in different eras, all connected yet not connected and spread over 500 years. Each story made in distinctly different styles. All chopped up so you rarely spend more than 5 minutes in any one story before it cuts back or forward in time to another of the six stories.

Tom Hanks, a greedy 19th Century quack doctor, plays Jim Broadbent (kind of). Broadbent is a 62 year old book publisher escaping from a nursing home in 2012 and also an aging composer married to Halle Berry in 1936. Berry is of course also investigating power plant boss Hugh Grant in 1973 and reads the love letters that Ben Whishaw sent to his gay lover, and 22nd Century Rebel Commander, in the 1930's. Whishaw is also Hugh Grant's wife in 2012 with whom he negotiates a slavery deal in 1849 at the behest of Hugo Weaving.

Hugh Grant, it should be mentioned, is a murderous 24th Century cannibalistic tribal chief who gets in a bit of a to-do with Tom Hanks who worships a 22nd Century clone who is also Hugo Weaving's daughter in 1849. Hugo Weaving incidentally is some kind of devil, a female nurse in 2012 and hired assassin in 1973.

Ambitious, exciting, perplexing and touching. Loved it.

........or should I say James Bond - The Greatest Hits?
A good enough film in its own right but it's basically just reshoots of past scenes, especially the Connery/Lazenby era. There are a few aspects that I had tired of even in the last film and sadly this has just continued on into this one.
1. The storyline is yet another continuation and desperately needs a new one (and possibly a new director?).
2. Bond is "off the reservation" once again. Are we ever going to see a film where he's doing the job he's been given, by a commanding M?
3. What's the problem with very little of Q Branch? Where are all the cool gadgets? Sure, the new rawer, origin Bond films have been refreshing but I think it's lost too much of what audiences associate with Bond. The DB10 was stunning, for all the time we got to look at the thing. The exact same could be said for Monica Bellucci!

Possibly the general public have tired too, if the takings are anything to go by. It's a real shame because Skyfall was showing real promise of a return to form. I really hope they sort it all out for the next one.
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