S.O.T.D. Saturday 16th March to Friday 22nd March 2013

Hot shower
Proraso pre, white
NF Tubby 1, Speick stick
Weber polished, Personna Med Prep (1)
Cold splash, Alum block
Clinique post-shave soother
Some Gaultier Le Male cologne

Stunning! The Weber seemed a bit mild after being used to the Atlas R1... but excellent results
Todays shave

Fat handle Tech gold plated
Feather Blade
Kent BK8 Brush
Profesor Blighty's Bespoke Shaving soap, Endymion
Endymion Balsam

Old Spice whitewater

Results BSS WTG

I enjoyed my shave yesterday, so I'll have some more :)
Sunday afternoon.

Prep: Cold water splash
Soap: Truefitt & Hill 1805
Brush: Neep 28mm Extra Silvertip
Razor: Polished Weber/Bulldog handle
Blade: Personna Med Prep (3)
Post: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel, Clinique Post Shave Healer
EdT: Lalique Hommage a l'Homme

Slick protection from T&H and an excellent, smooth result. Heading for the kitchen now to fix a stirfry :)
Gillette Aristocrat Jnr
Rapira SS (3)
Semogue SOC boar
Cella, bowl lathered
Witch hazel
Proraso blue balm
Dior Homme edt

A slow, gentle shave. I love the noise the Aristocrat Junior makes. Cella, the SOC boar and a Woodhead bowl are a match made in shaving heaven.

Becoming disenchanted with the Dior Homme.
Cold water
Ingrams shaving cream
Merkur 37c slant
Vintage Scottish Permasharp
Henk walnut silvertip
James Bronnley Original moisturising balm

Haven't used Ingrams for ages and it seems to be 'trending' here at the moment. Opened up a new tube which is only the second I've used. This stuff is much thicker than my other one and is what I suspect it was supposed to be like. Cracking shave but with quite a few micro nicks, the kind you don't even feel happen.
The cold water worked well with the Ingrams. Not sure yet if it'll replace hot water but may give it another go soon
Sunday, 17.iii.2013

Predopobarba Proraso
Kimson Silvertip horn handle
Nanny's French Lavender hard soap
Edwin Jagger DE89 Barley
Czech Gillette Silver Blue
Thayer's Witch Hazel Lemon
Manufaktura Beer ASB

Prep: Cold Water Splash
Razor: 1918 Gillette Single Ring
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue #2
Brush: Neep 26x48 Stone Extra Silver Tip
Soap: Lea Stick
Post: Proraso Menthol Post Cream, Witch Hazel
AS: Brut Original

Another nice 2 pass cold water face lather shave.
UKRob said:
I have to admire your honing skills Wai - this razor looks as though it has been worn down almost to the shoulder which must make it very difficult to maintain anything like a straight bevel. When I looked at it, it seemed to be no more than 4/8" rather than the 11/16" you mention.

Thanks for the compliment UKRob.
I wish I had super-special honing skills, but my task was made easier by variation in the thickness of the spine, being quite thin at the shoulder and thick towards the toe, so honing wasn't actually that difficult or different from a normal razor.
Proraso Pre
Men-u Shave Cream
Semogue 830
Merkur 33c
Witch Hazel Gel
M&S Woodspice ASB.

Not the best finish this morning.One shave too many with the blade
I think.The rest of the kit was first class .
Monday morning.

Back to the DE for the working week, I don't think I can risk the Faether Artist Club ion a weekday yet.

Prep: Hot Shower
Cream: TOBS Grapefruit
Brush: New Forest Tubby 2
Razor: 7 o'clock New with UFO2 handle
Blade: Gillette 7 o'clock SharpEdge
Balm: Barbershop Bay Rum
Cologne: Penhaligons Endymion

A very close and smooth shave, very enjoyable. I'm not sure about this TOBS Grapefruit yet, it smells a little bit artificial.
Prep: Hot shower with TOBS Eton College soap
Pre: T&H pre-shave oil
Razor: Merkur 34C
Blade: Personna Lab Blue
Brush: T&H Wellington Super Badger
Soap: TOBS Shaving Shop Cream
Post: T&H No10 Post shave cologne

Last night resulted in an unexpected and lovely BBS. Wow - those Personna Blues are quite something aren't they? Got me a batch from Connaught and can't say I'm anything but surprised and delighted by their performance. Up there, performance-wise, with Feathers and Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharpedges (Yellows).

Monday 19th March 2013
Prep: Shower
Razor: GEM 1912 Damaskeene
Blade: GEM Stainless Coated
Brush: Vulfix 404 Mixed
Soap: Lea stick grated into a container
Aftershave: Simple Balm

A really lovely shave.

Saturday & Sunday - visiting family in Galway
Vulfix Bodger
Gillette Sensor 3
RSC balm

Vulfix Bodger
#11H service set New, Wilkinson Sword Saloon Pack
Barbershop Bay Rum
RSC balm
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