Soap issue with boar brushes - advice needed

It likely goes back to Brexit when the main supplier refused to trade with the UK. Guess those UK websites didn't bother updating and just left them out of stock - it has been like that since.

Trying very hard to avoid politics here: I don't really think we can blame Brexit for lack of supply, perhaps the paperwork to export and import to non-EU countries is more accuarate and we can see that USA has similar shortages. Personally I don't believe that there is a conspiracy within the EU against UK. But some retailers do export to UK such as Yourshaving in Spain: There try searching Zenith 50/50 Horse Hair - out of stock!
Perhaps a "Faux Pony" doesn't qualify as a horse hair brush but as you say each to his own.

I think overall it comes down to supply as I said: There is an almost unlimited supply of hair from slaughtered pigs but hair from horses having hair cuts is limited and that is especially true of Vie Long which take their horse hair from a specific source.
Its more of a soap issue... I have similar issue with most soaps and creams..

Only way I ever solved it was to use Harris cream, and over load the brush.

Then again I have been known to forget my boar brush in the soaking cup for entire DAYS at a time... before I remember to shave.. and still have missing lather after the first pass.
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