SOTD: Saturday 29 June - Friday 5 July 2024.

Razor - Timor
Blade - Personna Platinum
Brush - Simpson’s M6
Lather - Cella

Not as easy as the Rockwell razor. I think I’m now finding the Timor a bit mild and it took three passes. If I’d known I was going to do three passes I’d have approached it differently and done a XTG. The result is approaching excellent, though, despite a bit of tugging.

Not sure if I can squeeze any more out of the Obsession bottle (you may have noticed)… might be time to open a new one.

Have a great weekend, everyone.

First try in a long long time of a blade I'd only used once or twice before: Silver Star.
Seems to be a favourite in the forum and they're cheap and readily available. @Sandalwoody was kind enough to send me some in the post along with a few other things. Thank you so much.

I found the blade to be really effective in this razor. I hadn't shaved for about 40 hours so there was a lot of wire wool to mow down. No tugging whatsoever and the only criticism was it's not the smoothest blade feel. Certainly makes me consider stocking up if I'll get this kind of performance with them again and in other razors.

Rating: 4 / 5

Razor: (BORROWED) West Coast Shaving American Liberty
Blade: Lord Silver Star
Brush: Men Rock Unknown. Probably synthetic
Lather: Nanny's Cream of the Croap Moroccan Sands
Aftershave: Superdrug Forest Fresh
Prep: Razorock prebarba
Bowl: Thirsty Badger
Brush: Plisson HMW
Soap: Martin de Candre Vetyver
Razor: Atelier Durdan La Faux TI SB++
Blade: Kai Captain sharp Blade
Post: Alum Rub
AS: Acqua di Parma Lozione Dopobarba
AS: Acqua di Parma Balsamo Dopobarba



Best Regards
SOTD 29-June
Brush: C&H 'Bone Lilly' V23
Soap: Sir Henry - Sandalwood
Razor: Merkur 39C
Blade: Wizamet
Post: Sir Henry - Sandalwood

So today is Sandalwood Saturday, an easy one to be fair, just shave with something prominently (not background, not hints, they want hit you in your face stiff) features Sandalwood. I think this covers the prominent aspect, certainly does to my nose.

Yes another weird picture, again as part of the treasure hunt I needed to get 'Trash' aka rubbish. Well I had some (I say some, but I'm not sure I could get everything in frame) remnants from recent deliveries, at least the rubbish was shaving related.

Well tomorrow is the final day, the only requirement is to shave with something not from the place you live. Easy one considering I live in Wales and the only Welsh stuff I have is Folk Soap and a slate hone!

Have a grand one all!!



My Shave today consisted of...
Prep Proraso preshave balm.
Brush Shave Factory Omega Boar.
Soap Stirling Glacial Spearmint.
Razor Blackland vector OC.
Blade Kai Captain Titan mild Pink (1).
Aftershave Jimmy Choo Man edt.

It was the OC plate that really made me fall in love with the Vector but it's not an everyday shaver with this attached.
So tonight after a long break whilst I enjoyed the new lite plate, I broke it out again.

What I can say tonight's Shave really did knock it out of the ballpark and as I sit here rubbing my perfect silky smooth face, I have to wonder, what other razor do I really need? Yes the shave was that good tonight.
That's it for me and my Vector tonight and enjoy the night everyone.

Drop The Mic GIF by In Real Life
Sun 30
Soap & Aftershave Stirling Sharp Dressed Man
Brush Yaqi 24mm Cavern Lake
Razor Joseph Smith & Sons Celebrated 3415
Work travel brings me to a nice beachfront chalet. It's a pleasure to shave using all the gears...notable is the excellent razor!


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