Worst DE Blades

Post-2016 Derby upped their game and the regular green Extra became quite a different thing altogether. The Premium is still considerably better. I do agree, the old Derby were pretty rank and scored very lowly in my estimations. Perhaps a "one and done" but even that one was a bit poor. Functional. Now, it's an acceptable baseline blade.
I have a few tucks of 2016 Derby Extras left if anyone is feeling brave :eek: I bought them in 2016 and they are the vertical label ones, so am guessing are the old ones.

The good ones are half-decent and give a mild, but smooth, shave, but as i worked through the 100 i ordered i found them to be very random indeed, quality control wise. Some of them were truly "throw out after the first stroke" level of bad and some were perfectly good.

I would happily try the revised ones if i ever needed budget blades in the future.
I'm not keen on Supermax Stainless in the blue wrapper, or Lord Rainbow, but they do at least shave - unlike these:

View attachment 122661

I couldn't get a single shave out of them. It felt like dragging a rusty tin lid across my face.
I'm not particularly fussy about blades although I have preferences.
My advice is: Do Not Buy.
The is enough to put me off
New? Must mean “new cheap crap”:ROFLMAO:
Likewise, these things:

How cheap can you get not even stainless steel more crap from the same place.:ROFLMAO:
Hi, I received these purple Made In England "Nacet' along with an eBay purchase. I used one blade and it was horrendous - tugging and not sharp. I don't want to use again. I think they could be fake as they look nothing like the other Nacet I have been trying (which are excellent). Has anyone else seen or used these purple ones?
Never heard of these being made in England. I reckon you’re on it mate. Fake for sure.
I'm not keen on Supermax Stainless in the blue wrapper, or Lord Rainbow, but they do at least shave - unlike these:

View attachment 122661

I couldn't get a single shave out of them. It felt like dragging a rusty tin lid across my face.
I'm not particularly fussy about blades although I have preferences.
My advice is: Do Not Buy.
I actually like Rainbows, which is a good job as I bought 100 of them! Rockwells though are unredeemingly bad blades.
Or just an old blade like the ones in my earlier post

Agree. Old ones which may or may not have deteriorated

They were also made in France too. The French ones shave very similar to other French blades from the 1970's / 80's

Aside from Polsiver / Wizamet a few years ago, I don't think there have been any substantiated cases of fake blades reaching the UK in any quantity
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Agree. Old ones which may or may not have deteriorated

They were also made in France too. The French ones shave very similar to other French blades from the 1970's / 80's

Aside from Polsiver / Wizamet a few years ago, I don't think there have been any substantiated cases of fake blades reaching the UK in any quantity


1985 F2 made in France for the English speaking market. By then Gillette had ceased DE blade production in Isleworth, but Annecy was still up and running

Somewhat ironically, I failed a graduate recruitment assessment centre at Gillette in Isleworth a few years later for getting overly familiar with a fellow candidate aided and abetted by a free bar.
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