Is There A Risk Of Sepsis?

Interesting thread, I go by the theory that a little dirt is good for you. That said I also go by the theory that you keep your tools clean and sharp, so that if you do cut yourself, that may heal faster.

I normally place my razor in the sink with hot water before a shave; with the brush soaking in warm water in a shave bowl. The hot water soak for the razor, simply to give the blade a clean. I don't expect the water to kill all germs - I'm guessing that a chemical wash would be required for that.

After the shave, hot water rinse and dry. I leave the blade in the razor until its time to change.
Nope, not at all. the fear of infection is driven by capitalism. put a doubt in someones head and then sell them the solution.
Find doubts and sell snake oil.
This antibacterial soaps and dish washing liquid obsession is going to end in tears. resistant bacteria anyone.
I agree but resistant bacteria is more down to bacterias fight against antibiotics.
Me, I regularly lick the kitchen floor for the real world inoculation shot
I hope you're joking!
.....if you worry about that kind of thing then there is no hope for you and you may as well end it all now
I hope you're joking!
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Find doubts and sell snake oil.

I agree but resistant bacteria is more down to bacterias fight against antibiotics.

I hope you're joking!

I hope you're joking!
Nope! I certainly wasn't advocating the OP tops himself. I was merely trying to point out my opinion that IF you worry about sepsis from a fly on a razor blade then you need to step back a bit and perhaps grow a large dirty saliva and bacteria filled beard or do as most of us do just shave and take the risks involved in day to day life or maybe put your razor in a little box where a fly can't get at it.
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There's a reason someone with sepsis is in the news, and that is it is very rare. You never hear of lists of people with a cold in the news! Bacteria are everywhere and are essential for life.
There's a reason someone with sepsis is in the news, and that is it is very rare. You never hear of lists of people with a cold in the news! Bacteria are everywhere and are essential for life.
There's a reason someone with sepsis is in the news, and that is it is very rare. You never hear of lists of people with a cold in the news! Bacteria are everywhere and are essential for life.
It's not that rare at all, in the US, every two minutes someone is affected by Sepsis.....every two minutes!
The Sepsis Alliance, check it out.
I have been DE shaving for about 5 years.

My razor is kept in the bathroom and the only time the blade is taken out of the razor is when I replace it.

I'm not dead yet.

I have been shaving for 35 years. I never take out the blade, and just leave the razor to dry in the bathroom.

Obviously I am still alive.

Pitralon forever - Real pens have a nib - If it doesn't tick, it's not a watch.
It's not that rare at all, in the US, every two minutes someone is affected by Sepsis.....every two minutes!
The Sepsis Alliance, check it out.
I bet every minute (or less) someone is hit by a car in the US.

As bad as it is for the individual victims, you cannot prevent everything. And germs wouldn't be that high on my personal list. I am sure that, with the amount of stress and travel related risks in my job (e.g. taking cabs in countries with a high accident rate), I have other things to worry about than my exposure to germs.

Pitralon forever - Real pens have a nib - If it doesn't tick, it's not a watch.
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I bet every minute (or less) someone is hit by a car in the US.

As bad as it is for the individual victims, you cannot prevent everything. And germs wouldn't be that high on my personal list. I am sure that, with the amount of stress and travel related risks in my job (e.g. taking taxis in countries with a high accident rate), I have other things to worry about than my exposure to germs.

Pitralon forever - Real pens have a nib - If it doesn't tick, it's not a watch.
I was simply replying to Roy who wrongly said that Sepsis was rare.
It's not. I did not say it was the number one killer in the US.
I was simply replying to Roy who wrongly said that Sepsis was rare.
It's not. I did not say it was the number one killer in the US.

I still think one every two minutes is not a major thing. I just read that (if the statistics are correct) someone in the USA is injured in a car accident every 15 seconds!

Pitralon forever - Real pens have a nib - If it doesn't tick, it's not a watch.
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