6 Nations 2013

I don't think France will play as badly again...so I have them by winning by a reasonable margin with that monstrous pack against a weakened, disheartened and out of form Wales.

Game of most interest to me is actually Italy v Scotland and not for the obvious reason, just wondering if the Ities can play that well again.

Ireland v England is just too close to call.
I'm going for wins for:


Ireland are just not that good and with some key players carrying injuries, England will be too strong.

Winner of Ireland v England to win the thing.
I think Italy will win, purely because Scotland have tended, for several years, to have one good game followed by a lousy one. I think France will beat Wales by a decent margin for the reasons that have already been given, but, sad to say as an Englishman, I have a feeling that Ireland are going to mug us in Dublin.
I happen to be in Cork on business this weekend so being a sort of a Brian Cox soundalike English semi-posh person I'm really in the lion's den... every single person who has heard my accent has been asking for my thoughts on the rugby and I haven't the heart to tell them that I'm not even a rugby fan.
I get a meeting finished at 3pm on Sunday and I suppose I have to rush to see the game somewhere, when in Rome and all that. I've been invited to town by one of the businesses that are hosting me, and being the guest here I kind of want Ireland to edge a close game so that my hosts stay chipper. (And that I don't get beaten up).
The last line is in jest, they really are lovely friendly people here. I just hope it's entertaining for all the locals and that they enjoy it.
...as you're a Brian Cox sound alike and not very interested in rugby whatever the score try speaking in slightly breathless manner while pointing to the heavens like Usain Bolt, I'm sure that'll have the bog trotters doffng their caps to you.
Well I got the winners right, but not the margin, not anywhere near. I couldn't see Scotland scoring 30 plus points. Well done Scotland, they took something out of last week, as they should have done, but I thought Italy were poor. Errors galore.

I'm standing by my Fr/Wales prediction though...

I liked what Clive Woodward said about the Wales team, they are a really good team, and any team that wins a grand slam reaches the semi finals of the world cup cannot all of a sudden become a poor team, and that's what I was basing my prediction on, If we play to our capabilities we could easily turn over Scotland Italy, and hopefully welcome a good England team to Cardiff whom I'm very much hope will be coming to Wales chasing a grand slam.

pugh-the-special-one said:
I liked what Clive Woodward said about the Wales team, they are a really good team, and any team that wins a grand slam reaches the semi finals of the world cup cannot all of a sudden become a poor team, and that's what I was basing my prediction on, If we play to our capabilities we could easily turn over Scotland Italy, and hopefully welcome a good England team to Cardiff whom I'm very much hope will be coming to Wales chasing a grand slam.


Hate to argue with him, but ..... so what happened to England between 2004 and now? Oh! so many retirements after the World Cup and suddenly the 'good team' no longer exists.

Your lads got a win, Jamie - and that is all history will record and all that matters in The Table.
Just finished watching the second half of Fr / Wales. Congrats to Wales, great work to dig out that win (and what a finish from G. North), but was is up with France? They were dreadful, they look disinterested, de-motivated, totally out of sorts.

Good job I held on to that tenner!
Well Jamie, I'm glad that your predictions were wrong on both accounts. Great victory by Scotland and errors can be forced, they don't always just happen. Brilliant effort by Wales to get the win but I didn't see that coming either. Ruddy ball is still the wrong shape though.
Gairdner said:
Well Jamie, I'm glad that your predictions were wrong on both accounts. Great victory by Scotland and errors can be forced, they don't always just happen. Brilliant effort by Wales to get the win but I didn't see that coming either. Ruddy ball is still the wrong shape though.

Hello Graeme I haven't given any predictions regarding Scotland?

I must apologise to our Scottish members about my previous prediction. Superb display today from the Scots. The Italians were totally overran today ( nice to see it). As regards the Fra/Wales game the best side won on the day, it's what's called an ugly win, but a win all the same.
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