Acquisitions 1st Mar - 31st Mar 2016

Today I got two new DE razor handles from Toby at Triad Razor and some vintage Penhaligon's English Fern aftershave and matching tallow English Fern shaving soaps.
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Famex has arrived from France.

Cleaned up a lot better than when I first received it in the pic, biggest quandary now is which way if the comb supposed to be used?

View attachment 17327

Actually either.
I have one and rather like it.
It was intended to be reversible so that one way gives you a bit more of aggressive shave - believe me, you'll see which one is which :)

Good score
Received some fun things in the mail this weekend;

1) A vintage Mayd-Well brush
It's in a rather weathered condition but seems very structurally sound and no cracks, etc


2) Some inks to feed my emerging pen interest


3) The "Making Britain Modern" book by Sir Kenneth Grange
Grange is the designer of such razors such as the Sticky, Kompakt, Royale, Protector, etc.
This 200 page book is absolutely amazing and I might post a mini review on it :)
Might be the best $5 I spent so far this year.


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