BBS - Good name for a shaving soap??

Revo!!! I am shocked at the mention of aforementioned establishments in the same Nanny's Silly Soap. :eek: So you know how much Mango butter costs??? Or Cocoa butter? Or Shea butter? Or Babassu oil - now substituted for the only cheap ingredient in the last batch i.e. coconut oil (see B & B)). I wont even bother with castor oil and silk and bentonite this stage they're starting to look cheap!!!!
Sorry, getting a bit defensive....
Surely Hunny will understand......? :lol:

Slim. what is CO?

IanM.....I suapect like me you've been too long in the same job.

Fido, I have to agree....on this side of the pond, the hat isn't working.
Sir Prize; how could I have overlooked the voice of reason??
My misgivings come from references elsewhare, to 'Baby's butt smooth' which can be found, in print (so to speak) on this very forum. :eek:
Of course, to a man such as yourself, such a reference would not occur.....and I apologise if I am the inavertant cause of any such thing.
This has only just occurred to me, and I cannot imagine what caused the delay as it is just so staggeringly obvious.

:idea: THE SOAP ALCHEMIST :idea:

soapalchemist said:
IanM.....I suapect like me you've been too long in the same job.

You'll get no argument from me regarding that :)

Actually, I think that Anthony has hit the nail right between the eyes.

Slim; I now realise that by CO you meant Co. Doh!

Fido, losing the hat was a good move.

Sir Prize.........well, I did think of that before. Does it sound too chemical? Too much focus on the sodium hydroxide rather than the oils? I will await further opinions.

I know some people have said that the name is irrelevant, but I don't think the megacorps emply highly paid teams and psychologists for nothing.

Ideally, the name should bring to mind expensive natural wholesome handmade high quality.........preferably in one word.
P.S. Can anyone tell me if I am allowed to have my website address as my signature? As it seems to be impervious, I feel I should do what I can to put it about.
soapalchemist said:
P.S. Can anyone tell me if I am allowed to have my website address as my signature? As it seems to be impervious, I feel I should do what I can to put it about.

should have read 'impervious to Google'.......I can't seem to string a coherant sentence together at the moment.

O.K. signature sorted; hope I don't get a smack on the wrist.
Yeah, yeah, just make fun of it. The time will come that you also need all the help that you can get, when changing flies for the umptieth time, searching for that elusive imitation that the randomly rising grayling will take with the reckless abandon that is the hallmark of Norwegian ladies of the lakes...
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