bloody weather

scottymac said:
Well finally made it offshore after leaving my house on Wednesday afternoon.
Time to start working i suppose.
How is the weather back in the UK

Does it normally take that long to get out to the rigs?

It's the second day of the thaw up here in the central belt and we hit 6C today and the snow is slowly, but surely going, I even managed to see some of the lawn in the back garden earlier before it went dark :)
Father Ted said:
Just off out to build a snowman with my 13 year old.
Cant say I have any major problems driving in snow either, but then I have my chunky boots on on a very light car.
I love it!

Grow up man, for God's sake! you're an adult so behave accordingly!! grumpy, complaining, and totally p****d off. :(

Enjoy the moment FT :D
regards, beejay
The snow reached the west coast of Scotland this morning (we had missed it up till now), I think we got clipped by the front from Ireland heading south. A good covering on the ground so far and still going, this is against the met office prediction of dry but bitterly cold and sunny. Last night I went to the local grit bin and picked up a few buckets and spread them over our street which is never gritted, but this made no difference.

I have two 25kg bags of sand in the boot and another 25kg of grit so driving around with the weight of a dead body in the back which helps the RWD, however the tyres are so wide it is still useless in snow.

I am with Fido, kettle on full tilt and sitting watching a DVD, with any luck it will stay till Monday and I will just work from home.
Had reports of bad snow in Merseyside, and bad snow in Wales, but here in this part of The Wirral we've only had a scattering (although it's as mightily cold here as elsewhere). We seem to have got off really lightly so far.
We've got about 4 or 5" in rural Dorset, which is quite a lot for these parts! There's even a good couple of inches in Poole! I was working last night and driving around all night was quite impressed at the common sense displayed as people were, for the most part, driving sensibly..... !

I'm not one to join in with the "Where's the gritters?" mentality, but I was quite surprised that we didn't see a single gritter all night, and that some of the arterial routes were pretty treacherous all night. I prefer to drive on the white stuff as you know where you are with it!

It's all very seasonal here I must say :D
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