Favourite Shave Stick?

The Garden of England
I'm currently trying out all the shave sticks i bought recently.

So far i've tried Palmolive, Tabac, Speick.

I get a great lather and shave from each, they each have their own unique scent, which at the moment is the only deciding factor.

I've still got Valobra, La Toja, Lea and Boots to try.

All of them smell ok to me (Well the boots one isnt great!), i'd have to say at the moment i'd put Palmolive as my favourite, it's also the cheapest at 49p and easiest to get hold of at any supermarket.

I've probably got enough different soap to start my own sample shop, once i'd decide on which i'm going to stick with.
My favourite out of that lot is La Toja. It maybe doesn't lather up quite as well as a couple of the others but I just love the smell. In fact, if I didn't know it would make me sick I would probably try eating it!!!
If Speick and Valobra were as inexpensive and easy to buy as Palmolive then they would be top of my list.
NotTheStig said:
Speick. I've also tried Palmolive, Arko, Tabac, Wilkinson Sword and an Erasmic.

I've tried palmolive, arko, wilkinson sword, erasmic and derby.
I prefer the arko stick but have switched over to creams for a while. The arko stick lathers well and helps the blade glide over the skin but has left my face with a dry/tight feeling :s
I've tried Arko, Palmolive and La Toja with Speick, Valobra and Lea (new formulation) waiting at the back of my wardrobe. I quite liked the smell of Arko when packaged - a sweet, powdery lemon - but almost gagged when I opened it and attempted to face lather. It reminded me of the urinals of every cheap pub or club I've staggered my way towards. I scrubbed it straight away, binned it, relathered with something else, and sold my remaining sticks the day after. Horrible. Between the other two, I slightly prefer the scent and performance of La Toja but, considering it's so easy to find for a princely 49p, it's hard to look beyond the Palmolive stick as easily one the best value shaving products out there.

I'm sure y'all know this already, but any soap would work as a stick. From what I understand, the delivery system's the only thing different between sticks and soaps that companies like Harris and TOBS and others makes.

Triple mills can take some serious loading time because of how hard they are. Other softer ones make it easier....kinda like the 'hard soap' texture that Sharon makes. Figure on spending a minute or more to get enough soap on your face.

Sticks are especially good when used on a few days worth of whiskers.

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