Have you found your best razor or are you still searching

I've narrowed it down to a few. That's better than expected really.

Blackland Blackbird, efficient and dangerous looking, a conversation starter for sure.

Cooper MonoBilt, a fairly rare American razor made in the early 1930's. A nice shaver, well constructed and over engineered.

Bigelow-Parkin, the razor design that inspired the Cooper Monobilt. A unique American design, and the smallest (full size DE blade using) razor. Also gives good shaves and is another fairly rare razor.

The Shake Sharps. An uncommon American razor, these use a DE blade in an SE style configuration. The first generation of these with the Bakelite frame are very aggressive. The second generation razors with a metal frame are very nice shavers indeed.

Gillette Fatboy. Doesn't give as nice a shave as the other razors, but it's a good looking razor. It combines balance and weight in a way that Gillette never quite achieved again (in my opinion).
I have found my best razor for regular shaving - the Feather AS-D2.
However, for clearing more than 3 days growth I prefer an open Comb and I have a little German telescopic handled DE for that.
And if I need a shave in a hurry, the Gillette Flexball.
I'm not actively searching to improve on this lot. I've tried plenty and these do the job best for me for now.
I really like the shaves I get with my ATT R1 and haven't had the urge to look for anything else/better, although by all accounts it sounds like the Wolfman could give it a run for its money. Maybe one day...
For a daily shave, it has to be the Gillette Contour with Russian Slalom blades.

This combo is consistently the most comfortable and efficient razor for me, and I've tried many different DE, SE and cartridge razors.

Having said that, the Slalom blades became unavailable recently, and I started to look at other options again. So I am back on the Injector journey. This morning's shave with a Schick L Type and Chinese Schick blade was superb.


The Love of my Life..The New Bunny Adjustable Injector..:p


It took a lot to replace my beloved Fatboy 5-6 years ago but the 1958 Executive did it, mainly because of the gold plate and handle knurling. Shave was the same though.

Well, maybe three years back I tried a Stahly head onna Weber long handle and much to my surprise I put the Executive away. Never thought any razor would replace that gold Gillette go to one but I was wrong. Called it the "Webly" and got amazing shaves from that thing. If y'all like a Tech, the Stahly head is kinda like that but better.

Then, about one year ago Rafael sent me a new UFO design Kaiser handle and that replaced the Weber one. Yep, it's a beauty and now is my favorite set up. It's stainless and weighs 92g, with a 13mm diameter and is 100mm long. Total razor weighs 130g.

Can't see ever finding a better razor for regular use than the "Kaily". Heh, of course I said the same thing about the Fatboy and Executive so who the hell knows.

I also never thought any injector would replace my M type adjustable but that goofy looking Schick F type did the trick, which surprised the heck outta me.

Exactly, I just had the same internal discussion. I've got some great small razors that I could take, but value and scarcity mean my Swing pocket razor isn't leaving the house either. My perfect travel razor is my Rimei simply because it's a reliable shaver but I wouldn't be heartbroken if it somehow didn't get home.
Ahh yes, the Schick Krona. So good, I had to get two of them. Smoother than Smooth Jack McSmooth, the smoothest smoothie in all of Smoothtown...:D
Really? I'd read that they were milder than a mild thing! I've always fancied one, but have put off due to the alleged mildness...
Really? I'd read that they were milder than a mild thing! I've always fancied one, but have put off due to the alleged mildness...

Which IMO is just so much Internet myth. It is simplistic perfection, this design. As Nico said, it is just so smooth that it makes shaving seem effortless. The bevels on the silo doors are bulletproof. Just follow the angle they provide. Will it give you a 'seat of the pants' shave like handling a grenade with the pin pulled or milking a Mamba for venom like an R41? No. However, just try one as they are cheap and overlooked by many as they don't have Gillette stamped on them or because they are not machined from bar stock out of 'unobtainium' and cost $300. :rolleyes: Just try one. ;)
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