hello from copenhagen

did my first DE shave today with my new edwin jagger de89l

it went very well, but i thnk i got a little too confident towards the end and thought it appropriate with a nice close atg pass. dang! that alum can sting! no nicks though and not much irritation.

btw is alum edible? it's got a nice saltyfresh taste :oops:
drøn said:
hi mikael. how do you like the taste of alum?
Delish :hungrig ... well, to be honest I never tried it that way. I hear it´s good to use as a deo, but I hesitate to put it on face after the a-pit though?
hunnymonster said:
If you come from a nation where surströmming is on open sale, armpit/face is nothing.

True and if combined I´m sure the armpit/face should be a piece of cake :mrgreen: My dad used to love surströmming and I still have found memmories of eating it with him, he was hardcore and old school, just as lot of plain surströmming fillet and milk :) .
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