Schick Twin Injector Performance with Twin Blades

First of all I have not asked all these questions before consequently not got all the answers. Secondly I believe the 5 year old often has a point in asking the expert usually an adult "Why!" not being content with "Because!" could be for example when not sure how come the spring is being weakened when rested by removing the blade leaving the razor empty?
First of all I have not asked all these questions before consequently not got all the answers. Secondly I believe the 5 year old often has a point in asking the expert usually an adult "Why!" not being content with "Because!" could be for example when not sure how come the spring is being weakened when rested by removing the blade leaving the razor empty?
There are various Types of Springs..They Have what is Called a "Constant Tension Spring" that is designed to lengthen under a constant load..That's One of the Reasons they come from the Factory with a Blank in Place..If they are stored without a blade you are going to weaken this Type of Spring..Even the Ones that Open were designed this Way..The Hydro being the exception to the Rule..;)

Any Schick Injector that I have ever Laid my hands on & that's been around 50 that's been stored without a blade has always had a weaker spring..In Particular the E & G Types..I have Early Type E Injectors that were made in 1939 with stronger springs than later injectors because it had never been stored with the blade removed..:eek:

As I said before Schick Injectors were Designed to have a blade loaded at all times..They came from the Factory that way..The Schick Instructions Don't offer any Advice on removing blades to store them..They Tell you to store the razor with a blade in place...Its that Simple..:D

Everything else is Elementary..:)

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One thing I forgot to mention..I have an NOS Type E 2 & a Number of NOS G Types..I have an NOS Hydro & an NOS Type L 1..They all shave the Bollocks off most Pre Owned Injectors..They have never been messed with & the Tolerances are Surgically Precision Made..The Difference with an Injector that's came straight from the factory is Awesome...Its something to behold actually..I treasure these particular Injectors & handle them with the Utmost Care & Attention so they will remain that way as the Manufactures Intended..:p

The tampered with G Schick qualified for my rotation with honours also got a NOS Pal Injectomatic still not tested but it is next in line after an adjustable Schick, on wish list is E Schick as supposed to be a tad more aggressiv but this time I will keep a closer look on the pat numbers :)
There are various Types of Springs..They Have what is Called a "Constant Tension Spring" that is designed to lengthen under a constant load..That's One of the Reasons they come from the Factory with a Blank in Place..If they are stored without a blade you are going to weaken this Type of Spring..Even the Ones that Open were designed this Way..The Hydro being the exception to the Rule..;)

Any Schick Injector that I have ever Laid my hands on & that's been around 50 that's been stored without a blade has always had a weaker spring..In Particular the E & G Types..I have Early Type E Injectors that were made in 1939 with stronger springs than later injectors because it had never been stored with the blade removed..:eek:

As I said before Schick Injectors were Designed to have a blade loaded at all times..They came from the Factory that way..The Schick Instructions Don't offer any Advice on removing blades to store them..They Tell you to store the razor with a blade in place...Its that Simple..:D

Everything else is Elementary..:)

Very interesting. I've always wondered why they came with a blank, and hadn't supposed it was just to illustrate where the blade goes.
Very interesting. I've always wondered why they came with a blank, and hadn't supposed it was just to illustrate where the blade goes.
There is so much Mis Intel out there because Folks Do all sorts of strange things with them..I guess Folks Mess with them just because they can..:eek:

The Blade in Place also serves to assist you in loading a blade..Injectors were never designed to be loaded empty either..It can be done of course but it can put Unnecessary Wear on the Stops & the Spring because its somewhat Awkward..The Head can get Twisted as Well..The Head on an Injector is also sprung as well & is an Integral Part of how they are designed to have Tight & Exacting Tolerances for Shaving..;)

These are Precision Engineered like a Firearm & Perfect in their Simplicity..Some Folks Overcomplicate them just like they Overcomplicate something as Simple as having a Shave..:p:D:p

I have seen lists of DE razors with subjective rankings from mild to agressive finding them good reads comparing the results with my own experience is there anything like it for injectors?
As a Rule of Thumb Schick Injectors got Milder as they went through the Timeline..The Most Aggressive Being the Early Type E 1 & E 2 that Opens through to the G Types which are Sorta Middle of the Road..The later I Types were the Start of the So Called later Milder Schick Injectors..After the I Type Unless you are Splitting Hairs they are All pretty much a Level Playing Field & that Includes the Schick Adjustable..The Mildest Schick was the Last & Final Type O that was marketed for Japan..That about sums up the Schick Injectors..:eek:

Out of the American Safety Razor Company Injectors the USA Made Personna Injector was the Mildest & the PAL Adjustable was the Most Aggressive when Cranked Up..The PAL Injectomatic was the next Aggressive Model & the British made Personna Executive & Personna Floating head Twin Injector Sorta Sits In between...The Mildest Injector Ever made was the Gillette Trac 11 followed by the USA Made Personna Injector that I Have Already Mentioned..;)

Alan G. Appleby's Timeline will offer you the Timeline of Schick Injectors as I have described..It is the Bible as far as a Schick Timeline is Concerned..:D


This Early Canadian Made Schick Type E 5 is an Anomaly as it was to My Knowledge the Most Aggressive Schick Injector Ever Made & Perhaps the Most Aggressive Injector in the World..This Model here Shouldn't be Confused with the Later Eversharp Candian Type E 5 or the USA Made Type E 5 with a Black Handle..This One here has No Lugs on the Spring & was Made by the Schick Repeater Company ...I have never even seen another Photo of One of these..It might even be the Rarest Injector in the World..One of them Anyway..:eek:

This is a Beast..:D

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