Soap A Week Club (SAW) for next week's soap

I used the speick for men shaving stick, grated into an aerated bowl, loaded with a boar, being a fairly hard soap (will try other brushes throughout the week) and face lathered.

What resulted was a very nice lather. Not overly thick (e.g. PAA and HTGAM) and with a decent level of slickness, again not the best (e.g. Mystic waters). Where this soap shines is in it's skin conditioning, after and before the a/s splash, skin is soft and supple, no tightness or dryness whatsoever.

The scent is a fresh citrus fragrance which is pleasant. Looking and feeling great, splendid product for its price.

Load time was around 20 seconds in very hard water a very easy soap to use.
My first SAW day with Speick went as follows:
Pre: Village Barber pre-shave oil
Soap: Speick Men stick grated into a tub.
Razor: ATT R1 + Sputnik(1) blade
Brush: Omega boar 10098
Bowl: Woodhead Tall Large Scuttle
After: WH, Speick Men Active AS, RSC ASB

Good quality smooth enjoyable shave with great skin conditioning afterwards. As riverrun said, Speick soap didn't produce a thick cushioning lather but what it lacks in cushioning it makes up for in slide and allowed lubrication for the razor to glide across the skin.
Even though this massive Omega boar brush loves to eat soap for itself there was plenty of lather for me. Speick means easy to lather, comfortable shave with great skin-feel afterwards. Scent is missing apart from a faint clean pharmaceutical smell but not unpleasant. It's basically like a Palmolive stick on steroids.
The ASL is top notch with, what seems like, medicinal properties. I often use it if I've had a rough shave as it seems to calm my skin very well. Again not much scent but sure does make your skin feel lovely. Even though I'm trying to thin down my AS stock I think I'd restock this AS anyway as it's so good (and cheap).

A plus point about Speick is that because is scent is almost absent I won't tire of using it for a week.
The ASL is top notch with, what seems like, medicinal properties. I often use it if I've had a rough shave as it seems to calm my skin very well. Again not much scent but sure does make your skin feel lovely. Even though I'm trying to thin down my AS stock I think I'd restock this AS anyway as it's so good (and cheap).
It is cheap in Germany - under 6 quid. Not sure why the stuff costs twice as much here...
I also find that the ASB is very soothing.
I have the Speick "Men" hard soap so will tag along please. To be honest I'm not especially discerning or able to fine tune the nuances that most of you do on here. I seem able to enjoy pretty much everything I've been recommeded and subsequently bought. Arko, Palmolive as well as LPL and some of the cracking US sourced ones....I enjoy them all. The OSPs are great but so is Wickhams and Nanny's. I must be easy to please. Maybe the protracted preparation helps...I do tend to make a meal of it.

Hoping not to be talked in to buying a lot more though...35 or more soaps is plenty/too many for me - but will watch and learn and enjoy.

And I MUST stop getting more razors. The recent Ikon purchases will satisfy the lust for a time. And the Feather AS-D2 continues to perplex too...sometimes it works well (usually with a brand new Feather blade)...but other times, with a blade that's been used once or twice, it just doesn't cut the mustard. But that's neithet here nor there...Sorry.

Well this was today's setup for Speick week. I had no problems getting a nice thick shiny lather from the stick being rubbed on my face. It's been a while since I used Speick but I love the smell of it, also dug out the cream for later this week.
No shave till later this evening at the gym, skin still feeling very soft and smooth.
Anyone else want to speak about speick? Any shaves had today?
I'm still with you guys. I decided to have another go with the Speick soap after yesterday's debacle. So I decided to do everything I can to make it not work. I almost never face lather and I don't get along with my boar brushes. So I face lathered with a Semogue 620 and to my amazement it worked really well. None of the problems I had yesterday. Good lather, good protection and the skin feels great afterwards. Only problem with the small boar and face lathering was that I almost didn't have enough lather for my four pass extravaganza. Also the shaving cream has a more intensive scent. I like the smell of Speick.
Maybe I'll try the Omega 49 tomorrow - a brush I really don't get along with, but it should hold more lather :rolleyes:
Ä° think this is a good idea nishy, i need to do that to be honest because in my rotation i use 1 soap and i will see the soap next month or 45 days later if more soaps aren't intefere. So i am joining saw with my stirling tuscany.
I'll join in when one of my soaps comes around.

One question - and please don't think I'm being provocative, but how do you discern cushion in a lather? It's something I've never really understood so would not be able to comment on whether a soap is good bad or whatever.
My Speick stick shave #1 today. Lovely floral scent, admired by SWMBO. Applied to face and lathered with a RazoRock plissoft giving loads of lather, more than enough for 3 passes. Great slickness and cushion.
I'm wondering whether to change brush and razor for next shave.
One question - and please don't think I'm being provocative, but how do you discern cushion in a lather? It's something I've never really understood so would not be able to comment on whether a soap is good bad or whatever.
I'd say cushion means the density of the lather giving physical protection between the blade and skin.

Would it be breaking the rules to grate the stick into a tub? ;)
That's what I've done, Erik.

Today's SAW:
Pre: Proraso sensitive pre-shave cream
Soap: Speick Men stick grated into a tub.
Razor: ATT R1 + Sputnik(2) blade
Brush: L'Occitane synthetic
Bowl: Fine Accoutrements
After: WH, Speick Men Active AS, Trumpers - Coral Skin Food

Another good shave, maybe even better lather with a synthetic brush than yesterday's boar. I realised today that the Speick Active AS has a really nice scent, kind of planty like aloe vera. Coral skin food scent pairs really well with it.
My skin complexion seems to be improving in the last few days, although that might very well be down to reduced chocolate consumption since Xmas :)
I'm still with you guys. I decided to have another go with the Speick soap after yesterday's debacle. So I decided to do everything I can to make it not work. I almost never face lather and I don't get along with my boar brushes. So I face lathered with a Semogue 620 and to my amazement it worked really well. None of the problems I had yesterday. Good lather, good protection and the skin feels great afterwards. Only problem with the small boar and face lathering was that I almost didn't have enough lather for my four pass extravaganza. Also the shaving cream has a more intensive scent. I like the smell of Speick.
Maybe I'll try the Omega 49 tomorrow - a brush I really don't get along with, but it should hold more lather :rolleyes:
All the Semogue boars I have tried never seem to hold enough lather. I'd be interested to hear how you get on with the 49 although even my smaller omega boars hold enough for my 3 passes with some to spare.
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