What Did We Learn From Our Shave Today Gents?

That I am ever increasingly devoted to my Merkur 37c. That Proraso Green does lather quite well with a serious load up and a few drops of glycerin, and purely for the scent alone, I will persevere with it in my rotation when it was very close to being set aside. And that a Shark blade goes okay in the slant, when it failed completely in the Tech.
A 60 year old schick injector razor gives a bloody good shave. And the 60 year old blades are buggered. Luckily I bought 40 personna injector blades.
Today I learnt that it is probably best to not play around trying to alter the geometry of you razor when the razor manufacturers, Feather in my case have spent thousands on producing a perfect razor, after shiming my feather ASD2 it turned from a mild pussy cat of a razor in to a raging tiger, the handle of the razor turned in to the tigers tail, now we all know about grabbing tigers by the tail, not to be done. The shimed blade turned the mild head in to a snarling beast that chewed my face off, well not quite that bad but it was not a good shave at all. Have I learned my lesson? Yes Yes Yes.
More a case of 'what have I learnt from the past week of shaving?'. I have been somewhat quiet recently due touring in Scotland and the Orkney islands with Mrs Satan (great time great places great memories). Took the basic kit with me, R89, Colossus, Timor, GFT, Muhle synthetic, Dove moisturiser and found that the less effort and palaver I make of it all the better the shave I am having. 10 days of wonderful smooth skin and hassle free shaves. Feeling great
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