SOTD: Saturday 21 - Friday 27 September 2024.

Monday 23/09/24
Prep: olive oil soap massage
Soap: Proraso cream
Blade: Rapira
Razor: King C Gillette head on a Razorock heavy handle.

Great shave of four day’s growth. This KCG razor is a remarkably good design; thought I’d try it with an even heavier handle than the original. Maybe too heavy, so I’ll try a vintage fat handled tech handle for the next shave. Either way, this head/blade combo is a winner. IMG_2245.jpeg
The Baili BD176 used today is what used to be called the "Upgrade Model" which fully encloses the blade ends but these days they don't bother with that description. Hard to compare the shaving characteristic with a Gillette Tech because not all Techs are the same. I would say it's a tad more agressive that the Gillette Tech No, 24 I used yesterday but still smooth.

Prep: Pears Transparent Amber soap
3P shaving soap (croap)
Semogue 810 boar brush
Baili BD176 3-piece razor (Gillette Tech clone)
Gillette Platinum blade (Russia)
Hot rinse, cold rinse
Lea 0% alcohol lotion

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