SOTD: Saturday 31 August - Friday 06 September 2024.

I sold my Twig and got the Thorn, better by far.

My Shave today consisted of...
Prep 3P Pre shavecream.
Brush Highlander LE2023 Boar.
Soap Zingari man The Watchman.
Razor Blackland Sabre V2 lvl3.
Blade Gem (2).
Post shave 3P cream
Aftershave Zingari man The Watchman splash.

I just did a 2 pass today with the Sabre, I still seem to be struggling with clicking with it.
My Shave is just acceptable, and I have decided to put it away for a few days.
I might be trying too hard to make it work, so I will step away and try again later.
Odd though, as I really enjoyed my first shave with it.

Enjoy the evening, everyone.

A very warm welcome to you gentile folk and may a take a little time to introduce myself before I proceed with stories of my shaving escapades over the last two evening's.

My name is Mr Chris and I am the alter ego of Satanfriendly. Everyone needs another side and someone to act as a counter balance. For example, Ghengis Kahn and the virgin Mary, or Mrs Satanfriendly and Sophia Loren. So here I am Mr Chris

Apparently I am by lore required to give my shaving report a theme. So with no further delay I shall theme these shaves, 'My shaves'

A government health warning. Do not place the ends of safety pins which have been up your posterior in your mouth. This has been issued on behalf of the national medical board. Thank you


My razor - Stainless Mongoose
My blade - Schick Proline
My brush - Highlander Marine AFC
My soap - Bath House Spanish fig and nutmeg
My moisturiser - Collagen
My perfume - ADP Absolut
'Oh no! Just as Mr Satanfriendly was about to show me a damn good sexy time he reappears as some overly nice chap. Well fuck him'

A most bodacious of shaves and an absolutely blinding show from the Bath House soap. Unfortunately the matching EDC abides over in Yorkshire so a similar sweet and sickly scent was very much the order of the evening. Treacle it was.

The very fine Mongoose did a mighty fine job of removing my facial hair and I was as smooth as a dolphins penis by the end of my blessed sink time. Grinning all the way to Chester. Cats in tow.

Have a most smashing night one and all and may all your dreams be wet ones

So it is that time of my shave when I am apparently obliged to leave you with some Indonesian girly metal music. So I depart this shave with some of those Voice of Baceprot ladies

Satanfriendly? He's a pillock

As I was posting this shave, I realised that I had not posted the previous one!
So with no further waffle, and as always respecting the non-catchup catch-up posts of that friendly chap of the satanic persuasion, I now present a vogof post (view one get one free)!

Featured products:

Proraso (white cream)
The Body Shop (Maca Root and Aloe cream)
Omega (10049 brush)
DSCosmetic (T4 brush and green bowl)
Muhle (R89 Twist razor)
Gillette (Nacet blade)
Homemade splash (witch hazel and essential oils)
Superdrug (Forest Fresh ASL)
Nivea (Sensitive PSB)
‘Rennie’ the rubber duck

Sun 1 Sep 2024

Tue 3 Sep 2024

So there you go!
Last edited:
SOTD Wednesday 4 September
  • Razor Gillette Super Adjustable 109 (O1) (6)
  • Blade Astra Superior Platinum (1)
  • Pre-Shave Tricare Goats Milk
  • Brush Synthetic
  • Cream Gillette Pure
  • Post Shave Thayers Witch Hazel - Unscented
  • Aftershave Brut Splash
  • Balm Nivea – Sensitive Pro - Post Shave Balm

The Morning Shave.
The Astra blade was in my 1969 Gillette Super Adjustable 109 today.

This was a new blade, quite mild. I originally had the Gillette 109 on setting 5, this is usually my preferred setting on my Adjustables. After a few strokes I moved up to setting 6. The blade was a little too mild although very comfortable.
Second time using the Gillette Pure cream. This is a very dense cream, only need a tiny amount for a great rich creamy lather. The scent is a light mild floral almost unscented.

SOTD 04-Sep-24

Brush: Dogwood DG B16
Soap: SSC Frozen Tundra
Razor(s): Blackland Sabre V1 L2 vs Sabre V2 L2
Post: SSC Frozen TUNDRA & Terrible Teddy EDP

Managed to use both today, right side V1, left side V2. I'm not going to go too much into the physical differences beyond there is a very apparent weight difference.

With the shave though, they're both smooth running. Oddly the V2 seemed quieter, just a weird observation. Following the first pass did a quick face feel, they're not too dissimilar, perhaps just a touch to the V2.

Lather up for the second pass and off I go. The V1 felt a little more comfortable, though there wasn't a huge difference in feel. Finished up and another quick feel, it's marginal but I would give it to the V2, just.

So overall, very little difference between the two for me. The V2 only just beats out the V1 for finish. It is only my first use with the bar of course, so it's just an initial impression and I may notice a difference in terms of longevity as the day progresses. If I don't though I may shift straight to the L3.

Have a cracking day all.

