SOTD: Saturday 6 July - Friday 12 July 2024.

Happy belated birthday. Hope you had a good one!
10 July

PAA Solstice
PAA The Green Ray
Blackland Blackbird
Treet Platinum
Proraso Sensitive balm

Nice, nice, nice. I rescued my PAA brushes from the back of the cupboard yesterday, unused for a while, but not forgotten. Up first, The Green Ray (synthetic horsehair?) and it produced a fine lather this morning with the Solstice soap. The Blackbird did it’s usual excellent job and produced a close and comfortable shave and the Treet seemed a good deal smoother on the second shave. Good stuff.
Wednesday 10 July
Yaqi The Final Cut - 100% Brass V2 Safety Razor is a very well engineered adjustable. Its design is very similar to that of the vintage Gibbs 17 adjustable I used for yesterday’s sotd. The main differences being that it’s all metal and more importantly the de blade does not need nibbling as it drops in normally. I still can’t fathom why the French designed the Gibbs such that the ubiquitous de blade of the day needed to be modified to fit their razor. “plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose “ Whilst the French design didn’t catch on, Yaqi has definitely improved on it. However, maybe because it’s brass it doesn’t seem popular as it’s on sale online at the moment.
I digress, even using a big brush that could easily be used to decorate with lather was just about ok, the soap tended to dry quickly on the face but bbs was achieved in one main wtg and some atg pick ups. So overall a nice dfs experience.
Have a great day fellas!

I worked in Antwerp in the 90's and even now, if I have a chesty cold and I'm clearing my throat in the morning, it reminds me of ordering breakfast!
Wed 10th July

Aleppo soap - Shave pre wash
Stirling Syn 26mm
Stirling Baker Street soap
Asylum Injector
Schick Proline ( 5 )
Tuff Green A/S Lotion

On the whole not a bad Shave, but a bit let down by me being rather inattentive when working around my lower lip lip. If I had been going out anywhere special , would probably have cleared things up with an electric Razor that I use very occasionally to clear stray whisker patches.

Pre - Dove Original Cream Bar
Brush - Vintage Culmak Plus - Mühle 23mm Classic Silvertip
Soap - Maca Root / Palmolive stick Superlather
Razor - Darwin Hollow Ground Safety Razor Circa: 1935 / Parker SoloEdge
Blade - Darwin Wedge / Leaf SHaDE
Post - Cold water Rinse
Balm - Floïd "The Genuine"
A/S - Floïd "The Genuine"

I have been after a usable Darwin for a while and picked this one up for a pretty good price, it was in a bit of a state, however, i thought it was worth a chance. The hone side of the strop had some emery paper on it (really not good for the blade) that was removed easily, i have stripped the strop plate down, lightly sanded both the hone and the strop leather then refitted it. The blade had a lot of gunk on it which i managed to clean up, it could do with a bit more polishing though. I put the wedge through a full progression from Bevel set to 12K, i did notice early on that the far ends of the blade were quite rounded, probably from the emery. I did manage to get a bevel on the wedge leaving the end curves, i probably loose about 5 - 6mm of edge, deciding to see how it goes. All in all a little bit more work to do on the kit.
So, the normal fantastic lather whipped up on the chin, the SoloEdge on the subs bench, away i went. The first few strokes had me raising my eyebrow, this feels really good i thought. I completed a full WTG pass without issue and in comfort, the second pass is a mixed pass of ATG on the neck and throat then XTG on cheeks to ear to centre. on the rinse off i had easily a very acceptable finish, i did not fancy pushing my luck.
The SoloEdge was used for a buffing pass, whether it was the close finish from the wedge or the Parker really is that mild, i completed ATG cheeks and ATG neck/throat to finish with a very comfortable BBS finish.
A nice barbershop post shave with just a little indication on the throat.
Another enjoyable shave.
I could do with another blade to finish the kit and if anyone knows where i can get some leather to replace the strop please let me know. Looks like i need a run out of my Rolls razors soon.
Belated happy birthday @Mike Smart, i do hope you had a good one
Enjoy your day all.

Blackland Vector
Schick Proline
Kent BK4
TOBS Shaving Shop
Bart’s Bonce Balm with CereVe Hyaluronic Acid Serum
Trumpers Spanish (Leather Cologne

The Vector seems a bit of a love it or hate it razor on the forum. I have never had anything other than wonderful shaves with my machined version with Schick Prolines.

Razor: Gillette New
Blade: Shark Platinum (3)
Brush: Grandslam Badger
Lather: Barrister and Mann Lavanille
Post Shave: Barrister and Mann Lavender AS
Post Shave: Thayers Milky Toner

A nice, easy, and decently close shave. Did a wee bit too much buffing in a cavalier manner and ended up with the lightest of weepers in a trouble spot. The AS and Thayers calmed it right down.
Razor = Blackland Blackbird Titanium
Blade = Gillette Nacet Golden Shave ( 3 )
Brush = Highlander made for a spanish forum group buy. custom pour 26mm Husky G1 Knot.
Cream = Geo F Trumper Eucris with matching splash & Balm.

Another brilliant shave with the Blackbird.
iv decided to try shave everyday whilst i’m home & i plan on being home most of the summer.
I went with the second plate marked Lite but for me it was very similar to the original with little to no difference in aggression or angle.
It’s pretty much a perfect razor.
The Brush was a group buy from a spanish forum & once i seen it i had to have one
i’m not 100% stuck on synthetic knots but this one is by far the best iv tried.
A Big Thank You to Gile for his knot recommendation.
You're welcome Mike. Thanks for your continuous support